Dance show


Lovely Sunday!

First a three year olds birthday party – it was great to see the family and how big the little angel has become.

Then dinner out at a restaurant together with my sister and her family. Then straight to the dance show with my niece’s group. A whole day with my sis and her family!


The dance show was really good – she has become a very good dancer after all these years.

I arrived home in time to see the last minutes of the hockey game and after a nerve wracking last couple of minutes managed to defeat Czechia with 4-3.

Eurovision – finale

eurovision 2014Tonight’s the night for the grand finale in the ESC. Fingers definitely crossed for our Sanna – she is really a fantastic singer.

These are the finalists – the 2 x 10 from part 1 and 2 along with the big five – England, Spain, France, Germany and Italy, and the winner from last time (Denmark).

And the winner is; Austria! The Netherlands came second and we came third!!!

Music ..

IMG_20121113_073925“When the rain is blowing in your face, and the whole world is on your case. I could offer you a warm embrace – to make you feel my love”.

Make you feel my love – words and music by Bob Dylan – recently recorded by Adele.

Music has always been a big part of my life – playing on my piano gives me a chance to relax and find some peace and quiet and focus on the good things. If you haven’t listened to Bob Dylan’s song “Make you feel my love” with Adele recently I can really recommend it.

Now it is time to cheer on Benjamin and Steffo in the Let’s Dance finale. And today the world championships in ice hockey has started. Tomorrow we play our first game.. we have a gold to defend!


Eurovision – part 2

imageWhat a day.. first a great lunch with “my person” – pasta – which meant salad and meat for dinner. We need to see each other more often – once per month isn’t enough!

Then on my way home something scary happened – I had to get off the sub and go to a mall to pick up a few things and when I was waiting for my next subway someone all of a sudden crashed a window behind me and before I knew it glass rained down all over me. The crash was huge since the window wasn’t supposed to be able to break but the young man was MAD so he managed anyway. I had my guardian angel on my side because I didn’t get hurt or cut at all, but obviously I was a bit chocked and people came up to me and asked me if I was ok.

eurovision 2014Tonight it is the second part of the ESC to try out for the final on Saturday. 10 more happy countries are to be selected. So tonight we are cheering on Finland and Norway.

Result from Part 2: Switzerland, Slovenia, Poland, Romania, Norway, Greece, Malta, Belarus, Finland and Austria



In between


In between.. that’s how I feel today. Can’t explain it. Maybe it’s in between the ESC parts. Or in between weekends. Or visits to people I love.  Or time in our paradise. I need a new project. Something to focus on that is fun and keeps my mind busy.

Tomorrow I will see my best friend. That is closer than last time I saw her so it’s way passed in between. That’s good. Makes me smile.

Went to the new mall by IKEA. It was very modern and clean with new stores with new stuff in it. But barely no people.  That was nice. 

Eurovision – part 1


Long day at work and the bus had left before I arrived to the station. I hate that. 29 minutes until the next one.. so I took a walk home.

It’s really not that far – about 2,5km – but with stuff to carry and semi high heels on it’s quite a challenge. But I made it and hopefully lost some calories in the process.

Teurovision 2014onight our Melodifestivalen winner is competing in the first round of competitors to try for the Eurovision Song Contest final, which takes place on Saturday.  Keep your fingers crossed for Sanna! 10 songs will go thru from tonight.

PS! She made it!

Result from Part 1:  Armenia, Azerbaijan, Hungary, Iceland, Montenegro, Russia, San Marino, Sweden, The Netherlands and Ukraine.


imageHagel .. the Dutch word for sprinkles . A dear friend brought me back some from her visit to Holland.  So now me and my youngest are enjoying a very sweet toast with chocolate on. Yum.

Talking about the good in life.. I saw my naprapath today and he always makes me feel better. Eventually. Lol. He works miracles with my poor back and me being sick for so long and not being able to see him hasn’t helped so he had a lot to work with. But, I’ve been really good with my exercises all semester and it has started to result in a better back which is great.


IMG_20130505_124036Sunday May 4th and it is snowing outside.. Snow and sun and rain every other hour. Fortunately we had an indoor-event today – my youngest niece and her gymnastics team had their spring show today. She is getting so good – I am so proud of her! My sons flip-a-trick group had decided to not participate, unfortunately. I would have loved to see them both today.

Next week is a full working week – the first one in ages. One day at a time..


City visit


Saturday and no work. I accompanied my youngest and his friend to the amusement park and then enjoyed a few hours to myself. Actually bought a few things but didn’t find what I really was looking for.
After a coffee and a sandwich I left the city and crashed in my corner for a bit in front of – yes you guessed right – ice hockey game on tv. Last couple of games before the wc starts next week. Sweden is doing ok considering all the best players are missing due to NHL.

Might sneak off to see the new mall in Kungens Kurva. We’ll see.

Veggie lasagna


Slow day at work with a lot of people off. Appointment at the opticians for my youngest in the afternoon so I got off early.

He had a homework assignment where he had to cook a vegetarian lasagna and so he did when we came back home. It was really tasty – made with creme fraiche instead of bechamel sauce.  And full of zucchini instead of minced meat.

Have a great Friday!