Rain rain..

A perfect day to snuggle up in my corner – watching DN Galan Youth on the Sportway direct link. That is so wpid-IMG_20140128_202956.jpggreat that they broadcast live from all sorts of youth events – I could enjoy gymnastics on that channel this summer. And now it is track and field from our amazing olympic stadium in Stockholm. I was going to go in an watch it live, but it is raining today and frankly I enjoy it more from my corner than on that hard bench in the rain for hours. Way back in time I would probably have been there working in the long jump all weekend. I do miss that but not enough to go back to that role again. Not since I am the only one in my own family that enjoys it. Growing up it was different – then we all would go together. And I really enjoy going to events with my parents – puts a smile on my face.

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