Olympics 2024 Paris

Today is the official opening of the summer olympics 2024 hosted by Paris, France. Peder Fredricson and Josefin Olsson will be the Swedish standard bearers at the opening ceremony.

128 Swedish athletes are competing in 18 different sports. Shall be interesting to see if we will be able to meat the goal the Swedish Olympic Committee has set up on 10 medals.

Let the fun begin!


A sunny day and this morning there were not at all the amount of algae as yesterday so we could enjoy our morning dip. BUT during the day the ocean turned into this green pea soup mess… uäck! Tonight the green algae were gone again, thank God, so maybe we can swim again tomorrow.

Tonight me and my sis attended the yearly local road association meeting. As owner of a property here you are automatically a member and need to pay a membership fee that funds the maintenance of the local road network. At the annual meeting the board goes thru what has happened since the last annual meeting. Not terribly exciting but I guess it is good to be aware of these things.


My names day today. Shared with my oldest niece and late grandma. We have for my whole life celebrated this day with a strawberry cake (unless the strawberry season was over). This year we added some raspberries on top. Me and my niece made the cake as a joint effort and it turned out very yummy.

It was a lot of algae’s in the ocean this morning so I skipped my morning dip for the first time this summer. Bummer. It’s been sunny and rainy off and on so no meals outside. My aunt went back to the city today and tonight my parents and our guest went down to Kalmar for dinner and to watch a city-orientation competition. Fun. The rest of us are enjoying a quiet evening at home.

Sunny day

It was raining a lot during the night but this morning it had stopped so we could enjoy our morning dip in the ocean, 18.1C in the water. 

After lunch, me and my parents and our guest took a nice hour-long walk in the sunny weather over to Grönvik and back. We were all sweaty after the walk so we went for a swim when we got back home. Lovely. 

Tonight we have bbq sausages of different sorts, served with a warm potato salad and veggies. We could sit outside again which was nice. Since it is Tuesday we have our “tisdagsmys” while watching “Allsång på Skansen”. Love traditions. 

Take away

New week – second week of our vacation. This week we have two family members working from a distance so we will save the fun for the late afternoons and evenings. 

This afternoon my sis, me and K went into Borgholm for some shopping. I actually found something that I bought – yeah.
We picked up some take away on our way back that we had pre-ordered. “Kroppkakor” – a local speciality which is a potato dumpling filled with smoked pork, onions and seasoned with allspice. Served with lingonberry jam. Mmmm. 

Today we welcomed a new guest so tonight we were nine around the table again. L is practically family – we have even nick-named our guest room after him. Lol. Always nice when he wants to spend some time with us. 

It has been raining a lot all evening and will continue thru the night. But, the forecast promises sunshine again tomorrow. Fingers crossed! 

One less

This morning we all got an early start since our youngest was taking the 07.45-o’clock bus back to the city. He arrived safely without any problems along the way. Good. 

It’s been another really nice day and we decided to take a long walk along the coast, me, my brother-in-law and oldest niece. We took our time and 1 hrs 40 min later we arrived back home again. 7,7 km. Puh. I’m out of practice so the slow speed was for my sake, but I made it! 

Tonight we are going to bbq salmon served with boiled potatoes and roe-sauce. Chicken for the non-fish-eaters. Mmm. Fingers crossed we can enjoy yet another sunset – they have been amazing so far. 

Game night

An absolutely gorgeous day. Almost 19C in the ocean this morning and above 20C during the day. Some algae’s have arrived but it was still bathable. Fingers crossed it will clear off by tomorrow!

It’s been a very warm day today and we have enjoyed time together doing as little as possible. Last day in paradise for our youngest – he is leaving on the morning bus tomorrow. So glad he wanted to come along for a week! Tonight he, his brother, father and aunt are playing a board game – sounds like they are having fun! 

This afternoon our team played an away-game and with our captain injured we were in for a struggle. But – we managed to win 2-0 and our new goalie kept the goal safe. Great! Now we advanced some in the tournament! Important win! 

Dinner outside

What a lovely day! 17.7C in the ocean this morning and almost 20 during the day. Wow. A nice sunny day and flag up for my youngest niece who had her names day today! Congratulations, Sara!  Celebrated traditionally with chocolate cake! 

Me and my oldest niece made the Friday afternoon drink – a version of aperol spritz but with fizzy rosé wine instead of cava. Not bad if I may say so myself. Other drinks for those who preferred something else – all served with some snacks. 

Tonight my sis made her delicious beef roulades with blue cheese sauce and oven baked sliced potatoes. Mmm! 

My hubby dared to go into the ocean tonight after dinner. His premier dip for the season. Nice to cool off a bit before bedtime. 

One more

This morning it was 16.1 C – slightly warmer than yesterday. It’s been a sunny day today and we’ve been waiting for the delivery of our new TV so we have stayed at home. It arrived early afternoon and now we are all set and ready. The old TV has been installed in our house instead – and the old one from our house has been moved to my parents room. The one in there we will not keep.

My sister was given a beautiful wooden windmill for her birthday the other year and she has been sand polished and put varnish on it to keep it in good shape for many years. Hard work but now she is nearly finished. Good job!

Tonight my parents and aunt went to see the yearly circus. No kids wanted to come along this time but they went anyway. Good for them!  We are trying to agree on a movie to inaugurate the new TV – we’ll see what we end up watching. My oldest niece is arriving here with the late bus so as of tomorrow we will be one more going down for a morning dip.

Dinner out

This morning the water temperature had dropped again and it was 15.6C. Brrr. Not a good trend! It was nice and warm in the air though so we weren’t cold when we got back out of the water again. 

Today me and hubby have cleaned the windows in our house so now we are all set in that matter. Good. 

This afternoon we had planned to go into town to stroll around for a bit and end the evening with dinner at Pappa Blå but it started to rain so we skipped the strolling around and just went in for the dinner. By that time it was sunny again and we had a nice time enjoying good food at the restaurant. My sis and youngest son ordered the ribs which are a must for them at this particular restaurant since they are really good. Lol. I had fish and was happy with my choice.