
Rainy afternoon in paradise. We have been busy bees all morning cleaning all the windows in our main house. Puh. After lunch we went for a drive to pick up some groceries and then it started to rain. So, perfect time for indoor activities such as board games and preparing dinner (I got the kitchen assignment – prepared a lasagna for tonight). 

Tuesday in our family during the summers mean “tisdagsmys” when we treat ourselves to nice snacks and a drink while watching “Allsång på Skansen” . Or maybe the last qualification game in soccer to the European Championships for the women. If we win towards England tonight we have qualified. If we loose there is still a slim chance via a runner-up round when the teams in the top league that didn’t qualify are facing the best teams in the lower leagues who are trying to advance to the top league. 

First week

A much warmer temperature in the ocean this morning, 16.3C – an increase with 2.5C. Lol. Still freezing but more bearable.

A nice sunny day but not so warm and a bit windy. We had a former colleague to my sis w/ his family visiting for afternoon coffee which was nice.

My mother made dinner tonight – burgers with boiled new potatoes and panfried onions. Mmm. Tomorrow it’s my turn to cook.

I was quite excited about our teams game tonight – what we thought would be an easy win turned out to be a nightmare with a 0-1 loss. Bummer. Nothing went our way tonight as it seemed – even though I wore my jersey and cheered the best I could, but not good enough apparently.

July 14th

Woke up after a good nights sleep – managed to get my energy back up to 100% for the first time in a while. Perfect. Went down for the morning dip in the ocean with my parents – it was really a challenge today since it was only 12.8C in the water. Brrrr. But, we all suffered thru and made it!

After breakfast we went grocery shopping and then we have had a nice day enjoying a day off. We bbq chicken tonight served with rise and veggies.

Flag up for our crown princess today! Tonight we have watched the celebrations and concert from Slottsruinen and the “Victoria-stipendiet”. Bella Haak was the recipient this year – the world’s best volleyball player.

Now the final of the European Championships in soccer – England vs. Spain. I am cheering on England but I think Spain will be the winner.

Special treat

Got up early and after a quick breakfast we packed the car and drove to join the rest of my family in our paradise. The journey went without any problems – some traffic here and there but no lines or delays to speak of. Perfect.

It started raining around lunchtime and tonight it has been raining a lot all evening. It’s quite windy too so we took the flag down (close to 13 meter/second). So, no sunset or evening walk tonight to enjoy. Treated myself to a glass of this special whiskey instead – purchased in California during our latest visit. Special cask with a touch of sherry. Not bad.


Finally Friday and weekend is getting closer!

After breakfast me and my oldest went to the waste disposal site to throw away what we had piled up. Great to get that done! Then I drove him to his appointment at the hospital for his treatment. Got some me-time while waiting and treated myself to a cappuccino and a sunbun. Mmmm. Also visited the room for contemplation – it’s a room for all religions and non-believers where you can sit and get a moment to yourself. They also collect prayers you can write on a note that will be read on a special occasion there every week to give support. Also you can light a candle if you wish. I try to go there every time we visit the hospital. 

On our way home we stopped at my parents to pick up a few things they wanted us to get. Now I’ve done laundry, vacuumed, packed and crashed for a bit too! Had to work some both last night, this morning and this afternoon – but just to organize things and be standby if I was needed. It all went well. Puh. 


The street where I work is going thru a major construction when they are opening up the street. They are doing about 20 meter at a time and now they have advanced to be precisely outside of our entrance. Shall be interesting to see if it’s still there when we return from our summer break or not. Deliveries have been a nightmare for a while since there is hardly any room even for pedestrians. No traffic can pass obviously. 

A very quiet day at the office with little to do so I cut my day a bit short since my admin-colleague was there too. No need to be two of us. I am on standby from home should he need assistance. Walked thru the city on my way home to look in some stores but I didn’t find anything to buy even though there are a lot of sales everywhere. Bummer. 


So tired today – couldn’t sleep last night. Don’t know why since I had a long day with a great ending and I was really tired when I got back home. So, best conditions for a good nights sleep. But no. 

Fortunately I had a short day today and could sit down and enjoy a nice lunch before I headed over to my parents and then a walk back home. Picked up the sandwich grill on my way too – hopefully it will bring us as much joy and tasty sandwiches as the last one has. 

This photo was taken last night at around 9 PM when we started to head back home after the evening on Skansen. It’s almost daylight even though it’s really late. Love summers in our country. 


Best Tuesday! After my long workday my oldest niece came and picked me up and then we took the cable car over to Djurgården. Since she never had been on the funicular / mountain railway we treated ourselves a ride with it up to the top of Skansen.

We strolled around to see what dinner to choose and decided to go for a Swedish flatbread – hers filled with beef and mine filled with chicken with different trimmings. Not bad. Ice cream for afters. Even better!

Then it was time for the “Allsång på Skansen” – great performances, great weather and great crowd. We had a really good time but of course I missed my bus so I ended up walking the last part after I walked my niece home. 16.000 steps later I crashed in bed.

New week

Another week – new challenges. Not  much to do at work to begin with – hopefully it will be more as the week goes by.

Been doing some chores around the house this afternoon and also walked over to Stima to buy a new sandwich-grill (our old one broke the other day). They didn’t have any in the store but they could have one delivered on Wednesday. Perfect.

Made chicken teriyaki for dinner and now we’ve crashed in front of another couple of episodes of the Netflix series “Supacell”. It’s quite good (if you like supernatural things). Great with these miniseries – don’t take forever to complete.


Today our team played their first game since the summer break and managed to play an even 0-0. Good that they didn’t let any goals in but bummer that they didn’t make any goals either. But, our track record towards this team is not in our favor so it was good, I guess. Maybe I should have worn my supporter-jersey instead of the game-jersey. Lol. 

Since I was busy watching the game hubby “made dinner” and picked up some pizza. Lol. Haven’t had a pizza in ages so that was nice. 

My lilies have started to bloom – so pretty. I have three of them with 4-5 flowers in bloom on each. I planted them a few years ago and they keep coming back year after year. Perfect.