Take away

New week – second week of our vacation. This week we have two family members working from a distance so we will save the fun for the late afternoons and evenings. 

This afternoon my sis, me and K went into Borgholm for some shopping. I actually found something that I bought – yeah.
We picked up some take away on our way back that we had pre-ordered. “Kroppkakor” – a local speciality which is a potato dumpling filled with smoked pork, onions and seasoned with allspice. Served with lingonberry jam. Mmmm. 

Today we welcomed a new guest so tonight we were nine around the table again. L is practically family – we have even nick-named our guest room after him. Lol. Always nice when he wants to spend some time with us. 

It has been raining a lot all evening and will continue thru the night. But, the forecast promises sunshine again tomorrow. Fingers crossed! 

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