This morning was amazing. It was a real “fall morning” and the lake was extra beautiful. Almost a bit magical. It was raining pretty hard last night but this morning the sun was shining again.
After a long day at work it was really nice to take a walk back home again. Clear my head and move a bit. And come home to a ready made dinner. Always taste extra good.
Today project renovation bathroom has started for real. Step one completed – removal of carpet. Now step two awaits – measuring humidity in floor. Have no idea when they will come and do that.
A real Monday in every sense. The weather is not great – fall surprised us all of a sudden with a really foggy misty morning and now it looks
like it will start raining any second.
Tonight we need to empty our bathroom – tomorrow they will remove the carpet and then we will know more about the damages. Fingers crossed!
Might need to dig out my lava stones and do as they say and try to “Relax”. My head is filled with questions and unsolved issues and I need to get it sorted so that I can get a good night sleep.
We have one apple tree with lovely light green apples called Transparent Blanche – they are perfect for pies but get ruined almost immediately they fall from the tree. So, a lot of them go to waste. But I pick as many as I can and peel and cut them in pieces and put them in the freezer for later. Then we have another tree with darker green apples, very hard and sour and some years almost impossible to figure out what to do with. This year we have a lot of apples on both trees – must have been a good year for them.
It is almost a summer-feel today with sunshine and warm weather. We sat outside and had home made burgers for lunch. That is a something to remember when the fall storms arrive..
Started the day at the grocery store and tried to figure out what to eat this week. When I got back I made a lasagna for dinner so it can rest over the day and be nice and perfect by the time we will eat it. Then I have helped outside raking the branches from the hedge my husband cut today.
Busy day ..
Breakfast treat
Saturday morning .. didn’t sleep so good for some reason. A lot of things on my mind I suppose.
Decided to treat my boys a great breakfast so I got up and baked scones. Few things beat a freshly baked bread. Eat it while it is still warm, butter melting on top.
And the best part is that there is still some left for lunch. Might make us some soup – that will be perfect with the bread.
A good week has come to an end. The week went by pretty quickly – the weather has been great and I have really no complaints. I have done great walk-wise and I even managed to go swimming. But, my scale isn’t really smiling at me – but, slowly but surely has worked so far.
We need to plan our renovation project – on Tuesday the construction firm will come here and start with our bathroom. So, we need
to empty the bathroom this weekend and prepare ourselves a bit. And then learn how to survive with one bathroom for a couple of months / weeks. Puh.
Friday eve and extra treat for dinner – went to Hötorgshallen and bought fish for dinner. Mmmmm!
11 pieces
5 salmon ones – 2 avocado ones and 4 maki roles .. and a cup of soup. Very tasty and lovely but after a few ho
urs I was hungry again.. My swim last night might have used up more energy than I thought.
Our flooded bathroom was approved to be an insurance matter by the insurance company which is great. They will assign a construction enterprise for us to help us with the renovation. Our bathroom is a bit too small for us so we have decided to see if we can make it a bit bigger – since we have to re-build it anyway. Fingers crossed it will work!
Treated myself a choice of the day-lunch at Burger King – todays’ special was a chicken sandwich and it was quite good actually.
I am still staying away from sodas – it’s been 6 months now – but I did eat some fries..
After a few hours at home it was time to turn into taxi-mom and take my youngest to his new gymnastics group for a first practice. While he was busy with that I thought I should be a good girl and go swimming. This turned out to be a really bad decision.. The swimming pool was really crowded and filled with terribly slow swimmers which made it very hard for me to get a good workout (and I am not a very quick swimmer myself). After 20 minutes struggle I gave up.
Let’s hope it will be less crowded next week – I will give it a second chance before I have to figure out something else to do while waiting for gymnastics class to end.
Beautiful day
Amazing. Life can be pretty awesome sometimes. It is September and summer hangs in there for another while yet. The mornings are really chilly (6C this morning i.e.
) but during the day the temperature is up to 20C or around there.
The walk this morning was just as beautiful as it has been spoiling me with lately. I can’t help myself when I see the mirror reflection in the lake – I just have to take a picture as I pass. Kind of like those hundreds of sunsets I just have to take a picture of every summer. Lol. Maybe there is a cognitive behavioral therapy class I can take. Slowly but surely break a bad habit.
Long day at work today but very productive. Was able to get a lot done and with a bit of overtime I could leave with a good conscience. Now a latte in my corner. Cause I deserve it.
No “vab”
I am struggling a bit with not being able to “vab” anymore. Vab is what you call a day when you have a sick child and need to stay home from work to care for him/her and get paid from the government to do so. This benefit ends when your kids become teenagers. Then they are old enough to care for themselves. But I still feel exhausted after being up a whole night, I still worry about my child when he is sick and home alone. I really coped better when they were younger and I was allowed to be there for them.
Stopped for a sandwich on my way home – to get a break and time to get myself together before I turn into supermom again.
When I got back home we had company in our backyard. Should I put on some coffee? Not sure what to do with this kind of guest.
Finnkampen – one of my favorite competitions in the track and field arena. So many good battles. So many good memories. This year it is held at the Olympic Stadium in Helsinki – where it all began back in 1925.
I am trying t
o remember when I worked on the first one – it was in the early 80’s – I would like to say 1981 but I am not sure. Must go over old diaries and see what I can find out. But it has always been in the long jump and triple jump with a few extra chores in other events.
I am pretty sure the last one I was working on was in 1994, because in 95 and 96 it was held in Finland (and I have never been a referee there) and in 1997 I became a mom that summer so my priorities changed.
In 1999 they moved the competition in Sweden to Gothenburg. Last year, 2013, they finally came to their senses and moved it back to where it belongs – on Stockholm Stadium!
The results after day 1 :
Men – Finland – 99 — Sweden – 105
Women – Finland – 97 — Sweden – 108
Boys – Finland – 62 — Sweden – 59
Girls – Finland – 77 — Sweden 48
And after day 2 :
Men – Finland – 193 — Sweden – 216
Women – Finland – 204 — Sweden – 206
Boys – Finland – xx — Sweden – xx
Girls – Finland – xx — Sweden xx