

Friday off and the rain has been pouring down all day. Peter had to work so me and the boys joined my sister and her family to go to the Fjärilshuset (Butterfly house) at Haga.

They have also opened a shark aquarium that the boys were eager to see. But it wasn’t as fantastic as we had hoped for, unfortunately.

wpid-img_20140530_130741.jpgWe had a great visit and took lots of pictures of the amazing butterflies in all sizes and colors. They also had other animals such as turtles and lizards.

After a few hours we helped feed the koi fishes and then it was time to return back home again. A stop at McD for a burger and now corner-time watching “Dispicable Me”.


Ascension Day


Thursday.. day off.. we were supposed to go out to our paradise #2 but it is way too windy for us to be able to handle the boat by ourselves in that kind of weather. So we decided to stay home and relax.

We bbq our own burgers for lunch and then I went for a nice walk by the lake. Tonight we will enjoy a great dinner at my sister’s who were supposed to go with us to Långgarn today. We decided to give it another go next Friday when we are off again for our National Day.



Just had a visit from my piano tuner. Second time this week. He didn’t have time to finish the first time so he came back for another 30 min or so. It is important to be thorough and take good care of your instrument. Once per year or maybe every second year it needs a tuner to go over it. If you don’t do it that often it takes several tunings to get it back in shape again. So you don’t save any money by not having it done more often.

Half day at work today – off tomorrow and vacation Friday.  Four-day-weekend! Yeah!



The best snack ever..

Today was a very long day at work.. I was so tired from yesterday but not sore at all, just a bit stiff.

It was really cold this morning – only 7C (45F). Don’t know where the lovely warm weather went. But it has been very sunny and nice still.

Bought two liters of strawberries on my way home.. going to be lovely tonight with a good movie and ice cream. Maybe some toffee or chocolate sauce too.. just because..


imageFor the second year in a row me and my colleague participated in the 5k run VårRuset. We actually managed to walk 4 min quicker this year. Yeah!

It is pretty special to participate in this kind of events. The evening was a success but it got really really cold before I got home. And the bus left me behind.. again.. so I walked the last 2.5k too.. Lots of exercise today!

Bronze!!! Mothers Day!! Election!


Yeah!  2014 edition of World Championships in Icehockey has come to an end for Sweden. We managed to be second in our group, then survived the quarterfinal, lost the semi (first lost game in full time during the whole tournament) and then we won the bronze medal with 3-0 against Czechia. Our goalie Anders Nilsson has been amazing in almost every game.  Our team captain, Joel Lundqvist, played his 100s game in Tre Kronor. His famous twin brother – Henrik Lundqvist – wasn’t able to participate due to the NHL. But, even though we had, I think it was 13 players playing their first WC, our team was amazing.

If you look at how I named today’s blog you can get a sense on in which order I value today. I am a dedicated fan, what can I say.

My husband and my sons surprised me with a very special mother’s day present – which takes a bit of extra expenses to make work.. but it was a perfect gift and I feel very blessed! Also me and my sis went over to congratulate our mother and gave her a flower and a coke with her name on it.

And last by not least – we have done our duty and voted in the election for the European Parliament.

Now let’s cheer on Finland chasing the gold tonight .. Russia has no losses at all so far. Congratulations to the top two medals!

No final..


It has been another amazing day and I’ve been working hard for several hours cleaning out weeds from my flowerbeds. It became quite nice and tidy. Maybe I can go and get some more flowers to complete the effort.

We bbq chicken tonight and had our dinner outside again. I really like that it has become so warm that we are able to do so. And to enjoy a nice ice cold beer..

We didn’t manage to defeat Russia today so tomorrow Tre Kronor are playing for bronze instead of gold. As we speak it looks like we will be facing Czechia who is loosing against Finland. I guess congratulations are in order to our neighbor’s!



Today it is 17 years since I gave birth to my first born child.  Unbelievable. Time flies. My baby is now taller than I am. Quite a young man – not at all a boy anymore.

Tonight we had a bbq in the back yard and we could sit outside most of the evening. The food turned out great. And we had chocolate cake with strawberries, vanilla ice cream and whipped cream for afters. The scale will not show any mercy tomorrow..

YES! We made it!


Ok here we go..

The world championships in ice hockey has reached the quarter final rounds. Sweden are facing Belarus tonight – the host nation of the tournament with a massive back-up from the crowd. We are going to need a bit of luck and play great hockey to win.

So far Czechia (who defeated USA 4-3) and Russia (who defeated France 3-0) in the semi finals. The fourth game – Canada vs Finland 2-3!!!  Way to go!

It has been another amazingly warm and nice day today. Over 25C and clear blue sky. We actually sat outside and had our tea tonight at 18.30. I hope it will be equally nice tomorrow when we have guests over.

YEEEESSS!! We made it! 3-2 Sweden-Belarus!



When I picked up my youngest today from school the thermometer in the car showed 29C (84F). Unbelievable. It dropped to 25C (77F) when I started to drive, but still. It is absolutely gorgeous outside with the apple trees in bloom, birds singing and clear blue sky. When I took this photo it almost looked like it was going to thunder any minute but it cleared up pretty quickly.

After an afternoon at the hospital getting allergy shots, rushed home to fix dinner and then a parent meeting in church for the upcoming confirmation this summer I have finally crashed in my corner, with my latte. No hockey tonight – feel a bit lost to be honest – but tomorrow all four quarter finals take place. Sweden are up against Belarus – the host country of the tournament with tons of people cheering on them. Going to be a tough game. Fingers crossed and jersey on!