

Happiness in a bowl. .

Cherries. I really love them. But the bigarreaus are my favorites. The darker sweeter ones. Mmmm..

Today we had a whole bowl of them at work. Made me smile.

This afternoon we have got vaccination shots for deceases spread by ticks. Every 5th year a new shot. 350 kr per person. But if it can prevent us from getting meningitis from the little bugs so be it. Both our paradises are situated in areas where they recommend you to be vaccinated. A small fee to pay considering the consequences if the bad luck would struck.

After a few days with really nice weather it is now raining again. Good for my flowers. And not so warm at night. (positive thinking.. )



… invoices later.. no, not really but sometimes it sure feels like it. I am soowpid-IMG_20140128_202956.jpgoo very glad I went to see my naprapath yesterday – without his miracle work I would not have been able to finish my workload today. My neck was killing me yesterday, and today it barely bothered me at all!

I really like the feeling of accomplishment when I have gone thru the pile of paper and I am able to go home with a clear conscience. Much easier to go back tomorrow – starting fresh again!

Now tucked in my corner watching another episode of the “House of Cards” – it is actually pretty good – and enjoying a very large cup of coffee.



Monday – andimage a full week ahead (the first full week in a while). Short day today and me-time after work. Must be a good thing, right?!

After a session with my naprapath I felt energized again – good for both body and soul – and took a walk home from the subway. But it was really sunny and hot outside and I got so tired. It is so gorgeous right now with all the “gullregn” – golden chain trees – in full bloom. They are really stunning. The heavy rainfall ruined my amazing peony yesterday ( 🙁 ) so it was nice to see these flowers instead.

Have a great week everyone!



Pingst – or Whitsun as it is called in English.  A lovely day spent with my mother and sister shopping for our children’s upcoming confirmation.  We found what we had in mind after a bit of research so that was great!

Now the meat is on the grill and my newly baked Karlsbad buns are fresh out of the oven. They will be perfect with a nice cup of coffee later. It is still very nice outside so dinner will be enjoyed in our back yard. Life is pretty good!

Värmdö truppcup


The last competition for the semester – and of course I was there to cheer on my little favorite female gymnast! Sara’s team managed to be rewarded a gold in the dance-program (the only team with a score above 18 points!!! – second in had 16.3) and a silver in tumbling.

imageThey came in fifth in the trampoline part and therefor achieved another silver medal in total! I am so proud of her!

It has been a busy day but nice in every way. Sunshine to begin with and a really heavy rainfall on the way home from the competition. The rainbow that followed was amazing! And there is still another day left of the weekend.

Life is good!

Sveriges nationaldag


National day of Sweden!

This morning we put our flag up and after breakfast we went out to Långgarn together with my sister and her family. We had brought a great picnic basket filled with goodies . We enjoyed this very Swedish looking cake and some lovely coffee down by the sea.

Then after some chores we took a nice 3k walk around the island aimagend then we finished the day with a pasta sallad lunch/dinner and a glas of rosé to celebrate. The weather was ok – we got some rain driving over to our boat but once on the island it was fine again. Now tucked in my corner with a latte and “fredagsmys”. Time for a scary movie maybe..

Have a great national day everyone!



Congratulations on your big day!

Ours kids are growing up. Last year was the first one in a very long row of or our friends kids to graduate from the “gymnasium” – grades 10 – 12. The next couple of years will be very busy with this kind of activities. I can’t wait!

I can still remember my graduation like is was yesterday. I had my American tassel attached to my Swedish student’s cap. With the year ’87 on. The student’s caps are so much more sophisticated nowadays and the price tag on them a completely different one too. They are a work of art and a small masterpiece of memories collected in a cap. Not one to spill red wine on or loose during the parties to follow.. lol

Best of luck – dear Isa – and I am so proud to know you! <3


After a looong day at work – a very short day to follow. Quite busy though which is good. image

Decided to make a stop for lunch on the way home – so I did and had sushi in the Liljeholmen mall. Not the best sushi unfortunately, but I liked the raspberry filled tap water they served.

The beautiful day I wished for last night didn’t come true. It’s been raining – or almost raining – all day and it is quite chilly too. Now – some quiet time to relax and regain strength. Don’t know why, but I’ve been really tired these last couple of days.

Late night


Busy day at work and I had to put in a couple of extra hours too.. even had dinner at work..

When I finally went home it had started to rain – and it really rained a lot. I was completely soaked when I reached the subway. And of course – no buses at the end station. But, I stayed and waited for one (20 min) – didn’t feel like taking the long walk that late in pouring rain… New day tomorrow.. let’s hope “it’s a beautiful day”.. like the song says..

Blue skies


“It’s a beautiful day.. Don’t let it get away

It’s a beautiful day.
Don’t let it get away

Touch me, take me to that other place

Teach me, I know I’m not a hopeless case”

U2 certainly have written a lot of amazing texts. This one came to mind this morning and has been stuck with me all day. When the sky is blue and the sun is shining.. a smile isn’t far off.