
A fun busy Saturday with a full schedule of things to do. First half of the day filled with our usual chores, then we were invited to celebrate my youngest niece’s birthday. Coffee and cake and a lovely time with family sitting outside chatting for a couple of hours. Nice. 

Then we went back home to change into other clothes and to pick up the things we would bring to the next event – a crayfish party with our friends. We had a lovely evening – great to see everyone again! And the crayfish were delicious! 

Send off

Friday again – this week went quite quickly, I think. Ups and downs and an emotional rollercoaster. 

Today we had an afterwork even to send off a colleague who is starting a new job next week. I have worked with her for 12 years and she is a really dear friend too so it was a bit sad to see her go. But, I think the change will be good for her so I’m glad for her sake anyway. 

Picked up some grilled chicken om my way home along with some nice cheese as a treat tonight. Let the weekend begin! 


A long quite busy day at work but very productive. One thing after another to solve and deal with. But, all went well. 

After work I was invited to a summer-drink event but the person who invited me wasn’t able to come so I gave it a miss and went home to my family instead. 

Our white roses are still in bloom. If I could I would give this one to my hubby’s aunt who passed away this afternoon. She was a very special lady and I imagine she would have liked these roses – so pretty and the scent is amazing. Our thoughts to my parents-in-law and to her family on this sad day. 

Day off

We have an afterwork-event on Friday so I traded my short day today and on Friday with a day off today and a full workday on Friday. Win-win. Perfect.

Had a massage booked for this afternoon – something I have been looking forward to for a long time. I am so grateful for being able to have this me-time and treat myself a bit. New appointment booked for next month – and the following too – perfect!

Now I’ve made an apple-crumble pie and the bolognese is on the stove for dinner. Nice.

Busy busy

A very busy Tuesday but I think we managed to complete all our tasks. Great. We were treated to a lovely lunch at Sturehof and I enjoyed an amazing turbot. Mmmm. 

Our wax flowers (porslinsblomma) at work are in full bloom and they look so lovely. 

We made pork with rice for dinner served with some veggies. Now we have crashed watching the first couple of episodes of “Bäst i test” – the new season. Great fun! 

Cute as a button

Decided to get my nails done after work. The Essie nailbar at Åhléns is great and I’ve been a customer there for years. A couple of times per year is enough and they really do a great job with the nail-beds which is so difficult to do yourself. Today I chose a color called “cute as a button”, which is a sort of coral.

My dad is picking me up in a few hours and we are going to see the soccer game together tonight. Great fun! Even more fun if we manage to win tonight. The Swedish premier division in soccer – Allsvenskan – is celebrating 100 years and this week all the teams are playing in the jerseys the team had 100 years ago (those of the teams who were around back then). Hammarby was wearing tiger jerseys – striped in yellow and black – that we still have as our away-game jerseys. Back then with blue shorts and black and yellow socks. So neat that the Swedish soccer association is doing this to celebrate. Fun!


Woke up to a sunny Sunday so hubby decided to clean the spa. After a little while the rain started to pour down – but it didn’t go on for that long. Hubby is also baking bread – good to keep busy while it rained – lol.

I have been busy vacuuming, swabbing the floors, running some laundry and ironing. Busy bees in different areas. Even the boys have been tidying up upstairs.

Our oldest came back home this morning from his LAN with his friends – they are continuing from their own places today. He was happy and they had had a great time. Good. Happy kids = a happy mom. 

The clouds are closing in and turning dark – I imagine we’ll receive more rain before too long. Good for the garden. 

Castle of the month – Ulfsunda

We had made reservations for breakfast at Ulfsunda Slott this morning. Thought it would be a great way to start the weekend. And the food was great and it was a nice visit. 

Ulfsunda Castle was built back in the 1640s by field marshal Lennart Torstensson. Queen Kristina was a guest there in 1647 and some of the rooms in the castle are named after her.  

Like most of the castles, Ulfsunda is today a conference- and meeting facility and a hotel. The castle is situated between the lakes Lillsjön and Ulvsundasjön in Ulvsunda, Bromma, outside of Stockholm. 


First week of work – check. It went easier than I expected. The next couple of weeks are going to be quite hectic with a lot of things happening – mostly fun stuff though. But, still need planning and organizing. 

Had a nice lunch-pie in town with my colleague before I started my journey home. Managed to find a swimsuit – yeah for me. Finally! Took a nice walk after work and managed to get home before the forecasted rain started. 

Picking up some pizza tonight, I think. Our oldest is away with his friends on a LAN this weekend – good for him! 


Tonight my hubby is participating in another run – the Convini relay – together with his colleagues. Only 5k this time so it shouldn’t be a problem. Afterwards they are having dinner to sum up the evening.

So, I’m home with the boys alone. Picked up a pork filet and some pasta on my way home and made us a nice dinner. Now I’ve crashed in my corner watching the latest season of “Emily in Paris” on Netflix. Not too complicated or doesn’t demand too much of my attention. Perfect.