UEFA Women’s Champions League

A fun evening with my sis and parents cheering on our team in their first Champions League qualifications round towards Benfica. Almost 13.000 people in the audience and a great support for our ladies. They managed to score the first goal but in the end they lost 1-2. Second game is next week – in Portugal – and it is best of two who qualifies for the next round. So they have to win by 2 goals to advance in the tournament. A tough challenge but not impossible. Both teams played really well. 

A great evening together and not too cold either, but we came prepared with extra sweaters and sitting pads for the chairs. So glad we could do this together – and if we would have won the evening would really have been a success! 


A long and very busy day but I managed to find time to complete an online course and got a perfect score on the short quiz afterwards. Yeah! 

Since we didn’t have time to get groceries last weekend my hubby picked me up after work and we went shopping before dinner. Perfect. This way we didn’t have to leave the house after dinner. Now the groceries are done for the next couple of days and we can crash in our corners after having a nice dinner with the boys. 

Back to work

Back to work again and a full week ahead for a change. Puh. Started with my short day though so that was nice.

Picked up some groceries on my way home so I could make dinner for my family. Made a pork filet with rice and veggies.

After dinner I took a walk over to my parents to watch the soccer game on TV together with them. A win would have been great for our team but we had to settle for an even 1-1. At least we managed to get one point but three would have been even better, of course. It was nice to watch the game together and enjoy a chat and a cup of tea. Haven’t seen them in a couple of weeks.


We could sleep in a bit since it was the second very late night in a row. Another sunny lovely day so we took another walk – in a different direction this time. 

We bbq some burgers for lunch before it was time to start the long drive back to the real world again after a fantastic get-away weekend with dear friends. Thank you for having us and for showing us around Gammelfäbodarna where you have your paradise! 

Now we have seen our boys again after a couple of days a part. I’m sure I will sleep like a baby tonight. 


A lovely but a bit chilly Saturday. We took a nice walk around the area and our friends had made a lasagna for lunch. Mmm. 

In the afternoon we drove  two hrs to Dalhalla for the concert in the evening. Weeping Willows performed with Maja Francis and Sarah Klang as guest artists. It was so fun to finally see this amazing arena – Dalhalla is an internationally renowned event venue described as one of the most impressive and beautiful outdoor arenas in Europe. Dalhalla is a former limestone quarry where mining ceased in 1990. The concert was really good and we were all very happy with the evening! 

Home office

I decided to work from home today since me and my hubby are leaving this afternoon to visit friends over the weekend. I’m on my lunch break right now and hubby just arrived back home too – he will take his afternoon meetings from here so we can get off as soon as we have finished work. Perfect.

Made myself some fried sausage / mushrooms / corn – but tried to work while cooking so I burnt my lunch. Oh well. Had nothing else to choose from so I ate it anyway. Lol. Now I’ve crashed for a bit before it’s time to work again. Then we are picking up my sis w/ hubby to start our drive. The boys are not coming along this time.

We arrived in time for dinner after a nice drive. In the evening there was a spectacular nordern lights and for the first time ever I was able to take a few pictures of this. I’m so pleased! It was barely visible when looking at it but the camera could pick it up.


Quite a chilly day but no rain fortunately. Long very busy day at the office and very productive. Great! We had a good meeting followed by a lovely lunch across the street. I had a caesar salad which was delicious. Mm. 

Hubby had dinner on the table more or less when I got home from work, and the four of us could have dinner together. Very nice! Now we have started to pack some for our trip tomorrow. Puh – two weekends away in a row. Might need some time off after this. Lol. 

So grateful for our company trip – this photo was taken from the roof-bar with a spectacular view over the roof-tops of Milan. Lovely! 


Very tired today after only 5 hours sleep. It was raining a lot all day so my raincoat was a great help today. After my short day me and my colleague went out for nice lunch together. Lovely. 

This afternoon I have done a lot of laundry and spent some time with my boys. Great to see them again! I made a wok for dinner and we could catch up a bit. My hubby is away on a work-thing tonight so I haven’t seen him yet. I definitely need to catch up on my sleep and maybe he’ll be back when I’m already asleep. We’ll see. 


After breakfast we checked out from the hotel. A day filled with another work-session but also a guided tour of the Duomo de Milano. The guide showed us around the church and also took us up on the roof top of the church. Amazing!

In the afternoon a bus took us to the airport and it was time to head back home again after an amazing long-weekend. What a trip! Landed in Stockholm in the middle of the night so we are all going to be very tired tomorrow. Italy is a really nice country to visit – and Milan was a very nice city to see. I would love to return some day.

Lago di Como

It was a really good idea to move the activity forward. Monday was a very lovely sunny warm day and after breakfast we were picked up by traditional wooden motorboats for a 2hr trip on Lake Como. So nice!

We had another work-session after lunch and then it was time to say goodbye to Moltrasio and move location to Milan instead.

In the evening we had lovely dinner at an Italian restaurant to celebrate our company being 20 years. After a very long day we crashed at our new hotel – tired after a long day.