Online again

Finally the repairman found his way to our house and put the internet line back up again! Took him a half of day of work but now it’s back up again. And working – but my youngest says it is way too slow. Hubby will have to check that out tonight.

Had a terrible start today with the commuter train mess – took 45 min instead of 13.. Oh well. Same thing going back home but then it was the bus that was delayed instead. Now, I’m finally back home again – tucked in my corner to catch up on some stuff while watching NETFLIX for the first time in a week. Lol.


Today I saw the royal guards parading thru the city again. They started playing the music right after they passed where I was standing so I didn’t get the footage of that this time. But, I really like this tradition with the royal guards. 

Since we still don’t have any internet in our house we decided to go out to dinner and maybe also see a movie tonight. We had dinner at Heron but we didn’t find a movie that we all wanted to see so we skipped that and went home instead. We didn’t want to watch a really long movie that started really late since we have work tomorrow. 


A rainy day so I wore my raincoat this morning. And on my way home I was really glad I brought it! 

First stop at my niece and then a walk over to my parents before my final walk back home. Soaking wet when I arrived so a complete change of clothes and now I’ve crashed for a bit to relax before I start dinner. 

No repairman so far to fix the internet cable.. Bummer. Almost a whole week with no streaming or games – a challenge for this family for sure. 

Breathe out..

Tuesday and my long day. Not terribly busy but things to do most of the day. Started with a nice cup of coffee – our office is so pretty with all the flower decorations from our afterwork event last week. Nice!

My boys went bowling today – something to do when we don’t have any internet. Lol. They had a great time and I’m so glad they went and do things together. Tomorrow someone is coming over to see how to fix our internet cable – hopefully it won’t be long before we’re online again! 

Breathe in..

This week they have increased my challenge to get to work on time one more step by cancelling every other commuter train as well.. Bummer. So, this morning I had to leave a bit earlier in order to get to work on time. This change will last for the rest of the summer. The subway-related change will be over in a couple of weeks. 

After work I had a dentist appointment. I was dreading  it a bit since I made a temporary mending of one of my teeth last time and she said that I needed to get a permanent mending this time. But, the temporary one was still in perfect shape so I can wait another year to have it replaced. Yeah. So, a good visit after all.