I made it!

Puh. The week came to an end. It’s been a real rollercoasterimage week with a lot do to and terribly busy one minute to be completely quiet the next. Now our vacation starts so it can stop raining now – any time please!

Treated myself a perfect ending of a hectic semester and a perfect start of some time away – an appointment with my naprapath. He gave me some exercises over the summer. Work work work. Lol. I will do them – I know they will be good for me.

Have a great Friday everyone!

Great grandma

July 9th is a special day for us – it was my grandmothers bimageirthday and we always celebrated her on Öland.

The whole family gathered together for the occasion and our summer vacation usually started in time for her birthday.

So – happy 103! I hope you look down on us from above and know that we think about you and of our fond memories of this day. I will light a candle for you tonight!

And happy anniversary,  dear sis and brother-in-law! What better day to get engaged than on this one which always will be a special day for our family.


The one good thing about all this rain is that our garden is so green and covered with flowers in bloom. No need for me to imagewater them or give them any attention, really. Perfect. Just to enjoy.

The rain stopped after half the day and now it is quite nice outside. To enjoy those flowers in bloom. And breathe for a minute.

Time to get busy.. laundry, packing, house-tending.. bought some strawberries for later – need to prepare them too. Lovely.

Kids on the way..

imageThe escalator seemed like a good symbol this morning. Got me thinking about a hill to climb, that life goes forward, and that if you try hard enough the reward will come – when you arrive at the top and you can enjoy the view.

A good day for my kids .. sent them off this morning so they
could to get a head start on summer in our paradise. A 7 hr bus-ride later they arrived safely and my mother called to let me know everything had gone well! Puh! I know, I am such a mother-hen.

We have been busy bees all evening vacuuming, cleaning, dusting, changing linen etc etc. Time to crash for a bit and enjoy the “Allsång på Skansen” and Midsomer Murders.

Almost there ..

It’s been a really rainy day today – the prognosis was not this bad, but oh well. Nice weather – gone. I hope it returns soon. image

We have spent the afternoon at the hospital for allergy shots. The hospital department had moved to another part of the hospital – even further away from the parking lot, didn’t think that was possible. Lol. Anyway, we found it and the appointment went well. Next one in 6 weeks.

Time to get packing.. the boys are leaving tomorrow!

Team gymnastics – final

The warm sunny weather is no longer here – a lot cooler day today and quite cloudy.




Perfect to stay indoor and enjoy some great team gymnastics and trampoline competitions on tv. I got really upset by the way SVT presented the event though – they don’t know the sport, that’s obvious. Too bad.

Oh – perfect timing – after the final was completed the sun came back again! Have a great Sunday everyone!

July 4th

imageWhat an amazing day. We have been in our second paradise all day enjoying ourselves. After a lovely coffee by the sea we put the pier ladder in (we take it out at the end of the season otherwise it will get ruined when the water freezes) and went swimming. It was so very nice!

After a great day with great food and company we are now back home again tucked in our cornIMG_20130703_074148ers enjoying “Fawlty Towers”. British humor at its best.

I wish all my friends and family in the States a great 4th of July! Can’t believe it’s been 2 years since our visit!

Summer in town

Another hot day with sunshine, clear blue sky and no wind. Puh. But, this is what we have longed for, right?!

imageOne by one of my friends and co-workers start their summer vacation – at least we have a great weekend to look forward to. One more week of work – then it is our turn.

The elder tree is absolutely amazing this year. We dressed the tree a lot a couple of years ago which resulted in no flowers at all last year, but this year it is in full bloom. I have picked a few bags of flowers and put in the freezer so I can made more lemonade when the first batch is gone.

Have a great Friday eve everyone!


What a change.. all of a sudden the summer arrived with full strength and forced Stockholm down on its knees. 90-95F (30-35C)  are not temperatures we are used to in the city. Puh.

wpid-img_20140731_124320.jpgI would give a lot to beam myself (and the guys of course)  down to our paradise, take an evening dip in the ocean, enjoy one of these fabulous ice creams and then enjoy a glas of rosé watching the sun set. Soon.

Let’s hope the great weather will last a while longer!

Celebrating our golden boys

imageWalking back from the subway an airplane flew over my head accompanied by two military aircrafts – must be extremely important cargo to get all that attention. When I came home and turned on the TV I found out that it was our U21 team who was the center of attention.

Kungsträdgården was completely filled with cheering fans welcoming our golden boys back home and honoring them in a fantastic way. We have an amazing selection of great players to chose from the next couple of years. They did us proud!

Going to the movies in a bit – to enjoy Stuart, Kevin & Bob in the new Minions movie. A fun family evening – again!