Kids on the way..

imageThe escalator seemed like a good symbol this morning. Got me thinking about a hill to climb, that life goes forward, and that if you try hard enough the reward will come – when you arrive at the top and you can enjoy the view.

A good day for my kids .. sent them off this morning so they
could to get a head start on summer in our paradise. A 7 hr bus-ride later they arrived safely and my mother called to let me know everything had gone well! Puh! I know, I am such a mother-hen.

We have been busy bees all evening vacuuming, cleaning, dusting, changing linen etc etc. Time to crash for a bit and enjoy the “Allsång på Skansen” and Midsomer Murders.

One Reply to “Kids on the way..”

  1. Yes the bus arrived just in time and we were there to meet them for a short trip in our car to our Paradise. After dinner we had some nice strawberries, some TV-program and now it is sleeping time. Good night, see you tomorrow.

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