
An interesting Saturday with a trip to our new enormous mall – the Mall of Scandinavia. imageThey had  a black-Friday weekend filled with offers and one really good price on something we wanted to get the kids for Xmas.
It is only a 20 min ride from home so we thought we would be back in an hour or two.  But, there was a traffic jam going there and complete chaos in the parking garage so 1hr 45 min later we found a spot for the car. Then we needed to go to the bathroom and the line to the ladies room.. oh well. By the time I was done my husband had already picked up what we came for so we returned home. Haha.

Tonight we have had an amazing dinner at my parents celebrating moms birthday together with my sister and her family. It was a really nice evening and moms food was the best! We gave her an evening out with her daughters to go and see “Cabaret” in a couple of weeks. I hope it is a great show!


Frimageiday before Advent and time to pimp the office! I love it when it is time to put up the windows lights and have that first glass of glögg and a saffron bun.

After work I met up with my mother and we spent a couple of hours shopping together. The city is so pretty now with all the decorations up – plenty to look at.


What a day – packed with things to do and time just flew away. Perfect. Then hurry home for dinner – I was the last oimagene home so I didn’t have to prepare anything (nice).

My husband turned 47 today – we congratulated him in bed this morning with presents. And tonight the rest of the family came over for coffee and princess cake. We also tried the new moulded wine – glögg. They have a new flavor on the special edition every year and this time it was flavored with Earl Grey. It was quite nice.


After work I had an appointment with my orthoptist – just a check-up to see that I have the right glasses and that my eyes are ok.image When I got there they had made a mistake and booked me to see an optician instead. She couldn’t help me with my prisms in my glasses but she checked everything else and my eyes are fine! She also sent a referral to an orthoptist but I will have to wait until January before they have time to see me. Oh well.

No visit to the high school tonight – instead a night at home getting ready for our guests tomorrow. Just as well.

30 days…

30 days left to Xmas. Time to start to get organized. Write wish imagelists. Buy things from other peoples wish lists. Getting the house ready. Ordering the Xmas cards and write them so they can be sent out in time (already did that, feels great). This year we are not so many here for Xmas since my sister and her family only spends every other Xmas with us and this year they are not here. Feels a bit empty when they are not with us, but I understand why and it is as it should be.

Long day at work today and of course I missed my bus and had to wait for almost 30 min for the next one. Didn’t feel like walking home when it is so dark. The last part of the way isn’t lit up so it is not really possible to walk there at this hour if you don’t have a flashlight with you.


imageMonday morning and freezing cold outside -10C. I am so glad I didn’t have to drive anywhere today and that the bus arrived on time so I didn’t have to wait outside for very long.

When I arrived in town they had turned on the Xmas-decorations. It was really pretty and a holiday-feel started to spread. Now all we need is some snow to brighten up the world a bit. It is so very dark now and the sun is only up for a few hours during the day. Winter in Sweden.


Today it is my mothers birthday. I called her this morninwpid-img_20150531_131829.jpgg to congratulate her – and she was where she often is – at a track and field event. So, we will celebrate her properly next weekend with a big  get together with dinner and cake.

My whole life has circled around sports of different kind – mainly track and field of course but most weekends had something to do with sports of some sort. If it wasn’t a track and field event we would either go to see a game or watching it on tv. And sports to my parents does not involve an engine or an animal. But besides that almost anything goes. They don’t share my huge interest in ice-hockey and I don’t really find tennis or golf that interesting. But other than that we are pretty much in tune. Sport has brought our family together in an amazing way and I am very grateful for that.

Wish you the best birthday, mom! Love you tons! <3

Time to get ready

A very cold Saturday morning – tucked in my corning enjoying my fawpid-img_20150129_200106.jpgvorite show – Vinterstudion. Yeah! A live show following winter sports during the winter season – analyzing competitions and sums up what has happened within winter sports during the day. Special focus on Swedish competitors of course. It has been sent during the winters for years. And I am a fan.

Next weekend it is time to light the first candle of Advent. Time to get our house ready. Busy day ahead. No fair today – we decided not to go after all. So plenty of time to vacuum..

Traffic issues

This week the security police in Sweden have raised the timagehreat level towards our country to the second highest level. It has been a strange week in many ways starting with us attending the huge Madonna concert last weekend. To attend an event with that many people at the same place right after a terrorist attack – was that really smart? On the other hand – like Madonna said in her speech – we can’t let them stop us from enjoying ourselves. Then they would win. Going back and forward to work this  week has also been quite stressful – people behaving differently, problems with buses and trains being late, a lot of people taking the car instead of traveling with public transfer.

Tomorrow we are going to attend another crowded event. Our youngest is about to choose which high school to chose and we are going to the big high school fair. Wish us luck!

Left overs

imageBrrr what a dark rainy Thursday. Not my favorite kind of weather. Just to decide what to wear is a hassle.

Still some green leaves left in our hedge – with pretty frost bites on. Soon snow will be here to brighten up the world. But, the next 10 day prognosis doesn’t promise any snow though – just a mix between rain and sun and -5C to +5C.

Great lasagna left overs for dinner. Best left overs there is.