
Hubby felt a bit better this morning after sleeping for about 32 hrs… so, he was able to join us for breakfast and then we went for a slow lovely walk on a trail near by where they live. The Helen Putnam Regional Park it was called and we chose a 3 mile trail which took us about an hour to finish. A lovely walk up hill and in a forrest. Great views. Hubby was able to come along too! 

We had a great visit with the S family – they always make us feel so welcome and at home. Thank you so much for having us! 

We took another covid test (all four of us) and it was still negative, so that was good. After a lovely lunch we drove over to my extended family and it was amazing to see them again after all these years. Now hopefully my hubby will feel much better and fingers crossed I won’t come down with any flue either.