More rain..

Midweek already and more rain. Me and my oldest had planned an afternoon walk but we skipped it due to the weather. So, I have spent the afternoon doing other things.

Made a variety of leftovers and new things for dinner tonight. Finished off the pork filet and beef served with new pasta. Finished off the potato gratin and pan fried potatoes served with new sausage. Perfect. Everybody happy. Also a variety of veggies to go with.

A lot of covid around me now at work. Fingers crossed I will not catch it – and if I do – that it will not effect our trip in 2,5 weeks. That would be so sad. Hubby took a test tonight since he has been home all week feeling a bit under the weather but fortunately it was negative. So no covid – hopefully the vaccinations we have will keep it away from us too.