Pyssel hos N – 23 okt

Ikväll har vi haft en riktig pysselkväll och sytt, limmat, klippt, knepat och knåpat tills vi lyckades få ihop sex stycken tomtar och sex stycken nissar. Vi har fått jättegod pasta-middag och efter pysslet har vi fikat cheesecake och annat gott. Vi har pratat, skrattat, lyssnat och tagit hand om varandra efter bästa förmåga. Uppvaktat S med ett pussel med en underbar bild på hela gänget.

En härlig kväll – bra för själen! Bästa gänget – snart ses vi igen! 

Dad-daughter time

A rainy start of the week and tonight my dad picked me up and we went over to our home arena for some soccer. We had a great 2-0 lead up until full time and then fell thru completely and the game ended 2-2. One point is better than no point but we should have kept the three we had. Bummer. Two more games this season and our team will not manage to keep up with last years top three result. Right now we are on 6th place (out of 16). 

Great evening with my dad! So glad we can do this together. A bit chaotic driving back due to a lot of cars leaving the arena but with the rain pouring down I am still glad we could take the care and didn’t have to walk back from Fruängen as we usually have to after a game. 

Winter time

This morning we could sleep for an extra hour due to the winter time starting today. 

Sunny start of the day but then it’s been quite grey and chilly out. No snow or rain though. We went over to the lokal mall for a bit just to get out of the house for a while. Didn’t find anything really. 

Made a nice dinner tonight and now we are watching a couple of more episodes of “Seven seconds” on Netflix. It’s a miniseries and quite good. 


A sunny Saturday with lovely weather – no snow in sight just yet. Perfect. 

After our regular chores I had an appointment for some me-time and could enjoy a massage. Lovely.

My hubby was a busy bee while I was gone and switched to winter tires on our car. Now the prognosis for snow has changed to rain but great to change tires in lovely weather rather than being forced to do so while snowing. 

Followed our team playing handball this afternoon – couldn’t watch the game but I could follow the result online. Very exciting game and we managed to win after a lot of struggle. Good job. 

Dinner treat

Friday again and quite a long week to get here for some reason.

I got home in time to prepare a great dinner for the family and made a sirloin steak in the oven served with a potato gratin, a five-pepper-sauce and veggies. And a nice glass of red for me. Mmm. 

The weather forecast promises snow this weekend so we are going to try to switch to winter tires now. Good to have it done too. I have some me-time booked for tomorrow which I am really looking forward to. Other than that – just the regular chores. Have a great weekend! 


Long rainy day and quite chilly. My subway was a few minutes late arriving to Fruängen and of course I missed my bus by a minute or two. 15 minutes wait until the next one. Oh well. Not the first time and definitely not the last. Lol. 

Been a busy bee tonight working on my Xmas-cards and yearly calendar. Perfect. Great to be able to tick those things off my list. Lovely. 

Finished some more leftovers tonight so we can treat ourselves something nice tomorrow night. Then a whole weekend to look forward to with some me-time booked (massage). Can’t wait. 


Short day and not very busy. Therefor had some energy left for when I got back home and have been a busy bee all afternoon. Did laundry, ironing, picked up apples in our garden, made an apple cake, dinner. 

Also we made reservations for a long weekend in the Swedish ski-resort after new years together with my brother-in-law and nieces. Perfect ending of the holidays! Can’t wait. Haven’t been up there since 2018 when my youngest niece came along with us. Fingers crossed we will have great weather and are able to enjoy the slopes. Haven’t decided yet if I’m going to ski or not – the weather will determine that. 

Great evening

Long day at work and had to stay over for a bit due to a late meeting. My oldest niece picked me up and we could hang out for a bit after work. Love it! 

We went to check out the pop-up store at NK and then we strolled over to Åhléns where we sat down and had dinner together. Nice. 

After a couple of hours of chatting and spending time together it was time to head back home. Now I’ve crashed in my corner for a bit – tired after a long day. Hubby is out with his colleagues and my boys had treated themselves to a takeout. So everybody had a special evening. 

Another day

The weekends go by way too quickly. Not ready for another week – but I guess we don’t have a choice. Fall and darkness all around and memories such as this one from our visit to paradise help to gain some new energy. 

Busy short day and had to work some from home too this afternoon. But, everything went well and I am so glad that we are able to work from outside the office when we need to. 

Made a wok for dinner from the flank steak leftovers. Not bad. Now some tea and tv before it is time to hug our pillows. 

Derby from the sofa

Sunday already. Slept in a bit this morning – great!

After a long breakfast I made a lasagna – nice to have dinner ready when I got back from watching the derby with my parents. It would have been nice with a win today but we had to settle for and even 0-0. Oh well. I guess one point is better than no point. (Photo borrowed from Hammarby Fotboll).

Now a quiet evening enjoying a cup of tea and some tv before it is time to get ready for bed and a new week filled with challenges.