One year mark

Last October we moved in to our new premises. Completely renovated and designed to suit our company and be a great workplace for people to feel good about and be proud of. And we did it. The company is thriving, people come in to the office instead of working from home in a much higher degree and we are proud of what we have accomplished.

We wanted to celebrate the success and treat ourselves to an afterwork – or a full day really – with different little perks. Starting with fruit & berries and juice-shots for breakfast, continuing with candy during the day and ending with toasting in a glass of fizz served with five kinds of pintxos from Bouqeria. Mmm.

An afterwork event which was supposed to last for a few hours and ended up being a full evening because we had such a great time enjoying great food and conversation. I feel so lucky to have the best colleagues and I am so proud of having been part of this organisation from the start. We celebrate 20 years as a company in January.