Mask on

When will this pandemic be over so I can skip wearing the mask. It is warm. It makes my glasses foggy. But the train is too crowded while commuting so I don’t dare to go without. 

Got off early today and tried to find something new to wear. Failed. Oh well. 

Met my dad on the way home. He had been to see an old friend who had just moved into an elderly home in town. We had a nice chat on the last bus. Looking forward to celebrating his birthday this weekend. 


Today I worked at the office again and the city was really showing solidarity with the Ukraine. Flags here and there and the glas statue lit up in the Ukraine colors. 

I think it is quite scary with all these insecurities and instabilities in Europe right now. Not knowing what’s going to happen next. Will our country be involved or will we be able to stay out of the war zone. Hua. 

Long day today but hardly any people at the office. Most of my colleagues are enjoying the winter break. Not for us this year.