Bye bye Xmas

Don’t leave your goat alone in the livingroom..

Lol. Poor Nelson, gets the blame for everything. Our tree let us know it was ready to go outside by dropping a few of the decorations, so we decided to not argue and help it get undressed and taken outside.

imageI really love the smell of Xmas – the smell of the tree is my favorite. Then it is all the candles and not to mention the making of Christmas food and treats. Saffron, clove, cinnamon, ginger..  Now I have to wait 11 months until next time.

The winter can’t seem to make up its mind and right now we have green grass and 0C (32F) outside. We might get some snow this afternoon though – my youngest is very anxious to try his snowboard but if it is raining it is no fun in the slopes.

Have a great Saturday everyone!

Shrimp treat

Friday.. a very good week has come to an end. I am so happy with everything I have accomplished and managed to complete.

I decided to treat myself a nice dinner – so I defrosted shrimps that really should have been eaten way back and imagejust had those with some lettuce and a boiled egg. Perfect. And a glass of chardonnay of course.

Need I say that the boys had meet.. and fries.. (not so surpricing, I know).

A weekend with barely no plans – just what we need right now. Perfect!

French roll

imageSince I got home early yesterday, I decided to bake some French rolls. It is easily done and I should do it way more often.

Today I was really happy I made the effort yesterday. Having a freshly baked french roll for breakfast is not so bad. With cheese and turkey. A nice cup of tea to complete the meal. The coffee will have to wait until I get to work.

Today it is raining outside. I can even hear it rain even when I am indoors so it must be raining pretty hard. Soon time to get out in the darkness and head off to the city.

My parents are returning from our paradise today – may they have a safe trip back! It can be very tiring to drive when it is dark, wet and snowy on the roads. Be careful and arrive home in one piece!

Spring term

Home again after my first day back to work after the holidays. It was really nice to see everyone again and the day went by really quickly (all 4 hrs lol). image

It was quite snowy and dark this morning when I left. Felt like I was getting up in the middle of the night even though it was 8 o’clock. It is already getting dark again and it is only 3 pm.

So this is spring term (even though it is winter outside)  – and before we know it spring will arrive. With all the little flowers spreading their joy and beauty. But we still have winter to enjoy. And a great winter break with down hill skiing in Norway.

Feast of Epiphany

Last day of the holidays. We decided to treat ourselves a little trip to cake heaven.. Taxinge Slottscafé has a selection of 65 different cakes, cookies and wheat bread of different sorts. It is imageabout a 45 minutes drive from us so not that bad.

On our way there it started to snow and it was already getting dark. I do long for longer days now – miss the daylight.

Sweden didn’t play very well in neither the semifinal or the bronze game – lost them both – and ended up in 4th place, which is really well done considering. Next big sport event to look forward to for me now is the world championships in handball. That should be fun too!

Twelfth Night

The last day of vacation this time. I am off tomorrow too, but then it is a national holiday so it is not the same.

imageWent to IKEA today to buy some more of the plates we received for Christmas. I wanted a few extra – never know when you might need them.

After lunch I took a 4,5k walk in the illuminated track around the forrest. It was quite cold today (around 0C /32F), but no snow and not very hard to walk. So I managed to come up to my normal speed of 1min/100 m which I was quite pleased with.

45 min later I came back home and cleaned out Xmas from our kitchen. It is still very Christmassy in our livingroom and I will keep it like that for another week or two depending on the amount of needles still on the tree compared to the floor. Lol.

Have a great Twelfth Night everyone!


imageA quiet house. Everyone asleep (well my oldest is up, of course). Just me enjoying my favorite breakfast – eggs. Today two fried ones with some Xmas-ham. Other days I might make an omelette or have a boiled one. And if I am enjoying a hotel breakfast I can never resist good scrambled eggs.. with crispy bacon..

None of the boys like eggs. Except if I hide them in a pancake or sponge cake.

Tonight I will enjoy another of my absolute favorite things – semi finals in ice hockey. Most likely also enjoyed by myself.

Fizzy bath bomb

imageMy oldest son gave me a fizzy bath bomb for X-mas. He knows his mother quite well, I must say. That is luxury for me – a hot bath with a fizzy bomb, a good book and looking at the stars through the dormer window over the hottub.

Today all my boys are away for the day – one having fun at his team gym practice and the other two participating in a computer game lan. My youngest will join them after practice.

So, I started my day with breakfast in bed (which I never ever do) reading my amazing book – Stalker. Then I took a long bath and now I enjoy a coffee in my corner. In a few hours my girlfriends will pick me up and we will go and see the latest “Hunger Game” movie.

Life is not so bad. (us winning in the quarter finals last night definitely added a lot of positive emotions .. lol  – semi finals facing Russia tomorrow.. )

Rainy start

imageAll the lovely snow that came is already gone due to warm weather and rain for two days. The back yard is now green instead of white, which would be nice if it was say March. But, with only a few hours of daylight it is really nice to have that snow to brighten up the days.

It has been raining all morning but now the sun is shining but it is really windy outside. I have the day off and we have been quite busy already even though it is just passed lunch. Important ice-hockey game tonight with the quarter finals – facing Finland.

May the best team win!

Day 1

A new year has come. 2015. May it be a good year. May it have lots of fun things in stock for us. May my family and friends be healthy and happy.

imageI am not very much for New Year’s resolutions. But I promise I will try to stay true to myself and try to reach the goals I have set out for myself.

New Year’s eve 2014/15 was just as great as it always is together with our friends since 20-30 years (or more). Friends who will be there no matter what – feels great to be surrounded and part of this crowd.

We all made a prediction each last night. Wrote down on a postcard where we think we are in life 10 years from now. I will be very surprised if we don’t share at least one prediction – that we will still be together – still celebrate New Years Eve – enjoying the birthday boy’s chocolate cake and wishing each other a great New Year!