Day 1

A new year has come. 2015. May it be a good year. May it have lots of fun things in stock for us. May my family and friends be healthy and happy.

imageI am not very much for New Year’s resolutions. But I promise I will try to stay true to myself and try to reach the goals I have set out for myself.

New Year’s eve 2014/15 was just as great as it always is together with our friends since 20-30 years (or more). Friends who will be there no matter what – feels great to be surrounded and part of this crowd.

We all made a prediction each last night. Wrote down on a postcard where we think we are in life 10 years from now. I will be very surprised if we don’t share at least one prediction – that we will still be together – still celebrate New Years Eve – enjoying the birthday boy’s chocolate cake and wishing each other a great New Year!

2 Replies to “Day 1”

  1. Gott Nytt År! Ja, det här året ska vi göra mycket kul – det hoppas jag oxå! Längtar nog mest till sommaren och vårt Paradis – att bara få mysa tillsammans – det är det bästa! Älskar dig! <3 //Syrran

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