Game #3

imageGot home right on time for tonights’ game – Sweden – Algeria. We are playing in group C together with France, Egypt, Algeria, Iceland and Czech Republic. We won the first two games (Iceland and Czech Republic) – so far so good.

The men’s handball world championships are held in Quatar this time. An upcoming nation hosting all sort of sport events.

Two more games in this group before the next level starts. Algeria on Thursday and France on Saturday. So far Sweden and France are the only two teams with no losses in this group.

Enjoy the game!

(PS – we won – 27-19! – three down, two to go)


Extremely busy and productive day at work inspired me to keep up the good work and continue at home. So I baked two imagedifferent kinds of cinnamon buns. One regular and one filled with almond icing. Need I say I was popular tonight..

Now I have dropped off and picked up my youngest from his team gym practice and I have finally crashed in my corner. Time to enjoy a nice cup of tea and maybe try one of the newly baked goodies..

New car..

imageToday we bought a new car! We have been looking at this model for years and were really close to buy it when we instead bought the car we have right now. We got a really good deal for our current car otherwise we would probably have bought a VW last time.

But, now it is time to change and this time we decided to follow our hearts and buy this beauty – a VW Golf Sportscombi GT. We will pick it up in 3 weeks.

So, if anyone is interested in buying a really good, well taken cared of, used Renault Laguna Sportstourer in a fabulous red color please don’t hesitate to contact us!


wpid-IMG_20140213_120409.jpgThank God for Vinterstudion – for those of you who live here in Sweden no explanation is necessary. But, if you don’t know what I am talking about, it is a tv-show covering all the (well –
a lot of anyway) skiing with Swedish interests. Mainly cross country, biathlon, down hill and ski-cross, but also some snowboard and free-style.

So, when you wake up at this time of year and the weather is not really attractive enough to spend the day outside – this is perfect. A nice coffee, chatting with friends, maybe work on my knitting project.. and watching Vinterstudion. And the best part – the show lasts for hours and hours..

Have a great Saturday everyone!

Daily challenge

This winter has offered days with freezing weather with snow and days that are not so cold with rain every other day which results in pavements that are a challenge every day. Heals are definitely out of the question – good walking shoes with nails underneath are highly recommended. image

Need I say that the number of bone fractures increases incredibly on days like these. I just hope and pray no-one in my family add to that number.

A nice quiet weekend awaits – the youngest is going away on a camp with his cousin and we are invited to my sister for dinner tomorrow.

Now I am tucked in my corner – Sweden play their first game tonight in the Men’s handball world championship in Quatar towards Iceland. I just watched Germany beat Poland in the game previous to our game. Fingers crossed we will have a good championship with lots of great games.

Have a great Friday everyone!


Today was a good day because I met my best friend for lunch. We try to do this every month but we are not always able to fit it into our busy schedules. image

Since we don’t work in the same part of town we meet each other at a restaurant right in-between. Always the same one. Always at the same weekday. Always at the same time.

Making plans for lunch in our case is therefor really easy – one text message asking “lunch?” is enough. Perfect. A date with my “bästaste” – life is good.


A coffee and a burger to-go eaten on the subway.. Not much of a lunch bimageut it had to do for today. Busy busy. Had to pick up my youngest after school and take him to the hospital for his shots.

Now we are back home again, a full laundry machine is running and in a bit I will tend to it. Then start dinner.

I’m just going to put my feet up for a minute ..


A few days ago a lady next to me on the subway asked me where I had bought my pants because she really liked them. That was unexpected and really nice to hear. I wish I did that more often – give compliments to a perfect stranger!

imageThen today when I was going home from work another lady stopped me and said she really liked my handbag. I love my Tokidoki bag – makes me happy.

I have actually received compliments for both my pants and my handbag a couple of times before. These unexpected little remarks can really brighten up the darkest day.


imageI got a text message this morning from the blood bank center that they were low on my blood type and asked if I could please make a donation.

So I went straight there right after work and honored my social responsibility. Feels pretty good to be able to pull my weight – one of these days it might be me in need of someones blood.

It’s been snowing all day today but it is not as freezing as it was when I left this morning. The snow might turn into rain before the day is over. One journey as taxi-mom in a couple of hours. Then I’m off work.


It started snowing yesterday afternoon and it is still snowing. You go out and dig out the car just to find yourself having to do it again after an hour or so.

imageIt is very unpleasant outside so even though we have received all this snow it is still not very tempting to go out and try our new cross country skies or take our youngest to the slopes for his snowboarding. Maybe one evening next week after work. We’ll see.

Baked a cardamon cake today. My father-in-law is coming over for Sunday dinner in a few hours. Thought I’d treat him something nice. He will get fillet of pork with oven baked potatoes and then the cake for dessert. I hope he likes it.