Gott Nytt År!

IMG_68163443258877I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year – Gott Nytt År !

Last year we spent new years in Dalarna together with all of our friends. My niece took this great shot of us and with her permission I used it for this years Christmas card too.

Be careful tonight – don’t get hurt using fireworks, don’t forget to blow out any candles and don’t drink too much! Take good care of yourselves – life is too precious to waste.

See you next year! <3 <3 <3


A very good day today. First I cuddled up in my corner and watched the taped hockey-game from last night – very good game indeed and us beating Russia with 3-2 absolutely helped the good feeling! Lol!

imageThen it was time to dig out the car and go grocery-shopping for dinner and new years eve. This year my family will provide the sallad – I hope I can make a great one!

After a nice home cooked lunch (McDonald’s .. ) I decided to enjoy the last hour of sunlight and took a long stroll around the lake. 1 hr and 12 min later I am back home tucked in my corner with a nice coffee pretty happy about my effort and doings so far. The best part is that my foot didn’t hurt at all – all thanks to my magician to a naprapath. He is the best!

Time to start dinner in a minute – I hope my boys will enjoy it!


My first day of vacation this holiday (all the other days where non-working days due to Christmas). I decided to make it a special day for me and also a special day for my boys.

First a real treat for lunch – plättar (mini pancakes) with casteimager sugar or jam. They love it. During lunch my nieces arrived and at least the youngest were not too upset that there was enough plättar for her too.. Lol.

After lunch I took them to the movie theatre for a holiday treat and while they enjoyed the movie I enjoyed a treatment for my back and sore foot. Everybody happy.

Now I am tucked in my corner for a bit while the kids enjoy a computer game upstairs. Going to give the girls a ride home soon. Then time to start dinner.

Have a great Monday!

Corner day

imageA lazy Sunday in my corner. I don’t intend to do much today other than chatting with friends online, watching some alpin skiing on tv, fixing all the meals for my family and enjoy some great coffee. Not as cold today but more humid so it feels colder.

Have a great Sunday everyone!

-13C (8.6F)

What a lovely – but freezing cold – day today! Clear blue sky and imagenew snow on the ground. I saw these benches walking from the parking lot to the hospital. It looked so pretty and cozy – like if the benches were waiting for the spring to arrive. Gave a sense of hope.

It was a good visit today.

We went to the mall in the afternoon – it was completely hysterical with too many people and not enough changing rooms. Clothes on the floor and a real mess. Not very inviting to try things on. Might try another mall tomorrow.

Annandag jul

Annandag jul .. the third day of Christmas. Time off from work and another day to spend with the family. Lovely.

IMG_20121202_183314Today we might hit the stores for the big Christmas sale. Something I both dread and look forward to. My youngest needs new snowboarding clothes and maybe shoes too. So the sale is a great way to save a few bucks but it will be terribly crowded and maybe not that much to chose from since a lot of things are already sold out.

Wish you all a nice holiday with your near and dear ones!


imageA quiet relaxing day.. the boys enjoying their presents.. me enjoying my corner..

Later on today we are all getting back together again – this time at my parents house – for Christmas Day dinner. Lovely.

It was very cold this morning and we have received some snow – but it barely covers the grass in our yard. The news said it will be this cold for a while but no snow. Hopefully plenty of sunny days though to enjoy while we have some time off from work!

Have a great Christmas Day everyone!

Dopparedan – julafton

Finally the day has arrived. No snow outside today but a lot of frost which makes it a bit Christmassy I guess. -4,5C this morning so it is getting colder.

imageHouse ready for guests. Everyone in nice clothes and look their best. We have set the table and decorated the house as the tradition we have in my family.

Julafton-lunch enjoyed on our good plates – at least me and my youngest like to eat rice pudding with cinnamon and milk. The other two have ham for lunch.

I wish you all a very merry Christmas! A prayer for the ones that  are not able to be with us today. May their day be a good one too even though they have a big hill to climb. <3 <3 <3 We love you and miss you tons!

Dan före dopparedan

A short day before Christmas Eve turned into a long day.. but, we were very productive and it felt like it was necessary and then it is so much easier to face up to the extra hours and work through. image

Tucked in my corner now relaxing a bit. My family has finished the last parts that needed to be prepared for tomorrow. I am so glad I have them to help!

I wish you all a great “dan före dopparedan” – day before Christmas Eve. And don’t forget to blow out all the candles you have lit tonight!

Dan före dan före dopparedan

It felt like I got up in the middle of the night this morning. Family sound asleep for another while yet. Just me in a quiet house having breakfast by myself.

imageTook this photo by the busstop this morning. It is the branches of a tree with the street lamp in the back ground. Looks quite spooky, I think.

Not great news from the hospital today, but we haven’t given up yet even though it is a struggle.

Tonight we have made the Christmas candy and the last groceries have been bought and brought to the house. Not much left to do now – this “dan före dan före dopparedan” (the day before the day before Christmas Eve).