Sunday lasagna

A lovely sunny day. After lunch I went up to my old friend for an afternoon coffee outside. We had a nice chat. I saw her only a few weeks ago but we had a lot to talk about anyway.

I made a lasagna when I got back home – perfect comfort food and great leftovers. It turned out pretty good.

Now I’m going to enjoy a glass of red and watch another episode of my new series “Luther”. Finished watching “Suits” – turned out Netflix isn’t up to date with all the seasons so there might be more episodes later on.

Rainy day

Saturday again. And a very grey and rainy day. We went to buy groceries after breakfast and then after lunch we went into town to switch the lovely gift my husband gave me for our 25th anniversary to another lovely gift. Different color, slightly shorter. Now it’s perfect! Love it!

The flowers my sister w/ family gave us are still amazing – looks exactly like when they arrived. Hopefully we will be able to enjoy them for many days more.

Tonight we are going to try to air fry chicken drumsticks and wings from scratch. Hopefully they will turn out good. So far we are very happy with this new machine.


Friday again and after work I had some me-time planned. A well over-due combo treatment of abhyanga / marma massage. Perfect relaxation. I have a friend who works with this and she invited me to her home instead of to the salon, which felt much safer for me.

We picked up some take away for dinner and now we have a movie-night watching the new Harley Quinn movie “Birds of prey”. Have a great weekend everyone!

Best leftovers

My parents brought this delicious cake yesterday and today we could enjoy one piece each for our afternoon coffee. Yum! It was filled with raspberries – really nice. 

A long day at work and even some overtime (an emergency after hours). Glad I could help. 

Made a teriyaki for dinner – served with rise and veggies. I think everyone liked it. Nice when we can enjoy the same dish. 


Today it’s been 25 years since this special day in Enskede Kyrka when we were married. Silver wedding anniversary.

We had such fun things planned to celebrate this occasion but the corona virus put a stop to that – well, we just need to wait a bit with that family dinner we had planned.

My parents and my mother-in-law came over for an afternoon coffee. They treated us a delicious cake and a flower. We could sit outside and chat for a bit. Perfect. My sister w/ family sent us a copy of my bridal bouquet – such a special gift! Love it! My husband surprised me with a bracelet – couldn’t have asked for a better present! Thank you!

Flag up for us today! I’m so grateful for everything we have – that we have been blessed with two amazing sons, family and friends and that we are still going strong thru all the challenges life has given us. Our love for each other has never been challenged though – and I hope it never will be. Love you!

Rain rain

A very rainy grey day and long day at work. Not much happened other than that. My husband took our youngest to a doctors appointment – just a follow up. Picked up some burgers for lunch. Made pork with rise for dinner. Watched another episode of “White wall” – we haven’t decided yet if we like it or not. It is rather strange and slow but the actors are good. Oh well.

Sunny Monday

Started my week with physio which was quite challenging with the heavier weights.

This afternoon I took my boys over to my parents for an afternoon coffee outside. So glad that the weather still is enjoyable enough to sit outside. I dread the winter when these visits are no longer possible.

Made a wok for dinner with the beef leftovers. Perfect way to cook up a different dish from the original one. Now I’ve crashed in my corner. Hopefully I will sleep better tonight – only got a couple of hours sleep last night which is not good.


A rainy lazy Sunday spent watching episodes of the series I watch. Nine seasons and I’m on season seven. It’s about lawyers in New York and I quite enjoy it.

Decided to get out of the house for a bit so we went over to IKEA just to find an enormous line outside the store with people waiting in the rain to get in keeping a social distance. Not for us so we drove back home again. So now I’m back in my corner – with a piece of that apple cake I baked – and another episode of my series.

New kitchen appliances

We’ve been talking about getting one of these for a long time. My youngest has watched endless commercials of it and really wanted us to get one. So, said and done. Meet our newest member of the kitchen appliances family – and air fryer! We’ve cooked both our lunch and dinner with it and it worked perfectly. I’m sure we will be very happy together.

An otherwise grey and boring day. Got up early – couldn’t sleep. Our oldest has a busy weekend with a lot of studies. I hope he will be able to focus and get a lot done.


A long day even though I got off work at 3PM. Made burgers for lunch and now we’ve had minute steak for dinner.

The days pass by – one by one – and the weeks too. Life during this pandemic is very same-o-same-o. For better and for worse considering all our ups and downs this year. All the challenges we have had to endure – maybe being able to work from home and keep a low profile has been a blessing in disguise.

Another weekend ahead to enjoy. We’ll see what we will do. No exact plans yet. I guess we will buy groceries, do some cleaning and laundry. Same-o-same-o. Lol . I miss going over to family and friends.