
Long day at work and time to head back to my favorite xmas-decorations.. And they were all lit up like I hoped. Yeah.

Sold the last thing I had advertised. Another yeah! Time to put together a new kit of things. I think we have some snowboard boots to sell among other things.

Today they celebrate Thanksgiving in the States – wishing all my American friends a Happy Thanksgiving!


A day to recover and sort out some stuff. Need to get better at focusing on things I can affect and not worry about things I can’t affect. I have enough things on my mind these days.

They are doing reconstruction on the roundabout at Sergels Torg so the elk-family had to move down below to the square. I need to walk by the square after I had a long day at work when it is all lit up – I really enjoy that!

I have spent the afternoon with my boys – sometimes I wish they were little again and I was at home all the time with them. Another lifetime it seems.

Time to celebrate ?

Half a day at work and half a day with my parents celebrating my mothers birthday.

A lot of people came to greet her. It was really nice to see them all – and I think they enjoyed seeing me and my sis too. We helped out in the kitchen making sure everyone had something to eat and drink.

Dear mom – I hope you had the best day and that you will sleep in tomorrow and relax after this special day. Looking forward seeing you again this weekend for the family dinner. Love you!

New week – no snow left 

A very special week with a lot of fun things planned. And when I arrived in town this morning they had turned on all the Xmas-decorations. Too bad all the snow is gone. First we had a week of constant snowing with chaos and then we had a week with a lot of rain. This week they have actually promised better weather. Let’s hope they’re right.

Short day today and a very busy afternoon. I had a lot of things to do and got most of them done. Yeah!

Day of preparation 

A Sunday afternoon with my mother getting organized for her big day on Tuesday. We went shopping for groceries and after a nice coffee at her house we plated some of the food she will serve. Good to be prepared. I’m glad I could help! And fun to spend a couple of hours together chatting just the two of us.

My youngest is off to another movie – he has really become a regular visitor to the theatre. I think it is great that he sees his friends and that they hang out and do stuff together.

Have a great Sunday eve everyone!

Busy day – with a reward

Very busy day today – we have gotten a lot done. Cleaning the house, Grocery shopping. Putting up the lights outdoor. Ebounce-fb-share-imagetc etc.

Now a movie before it is time to start dinner and while I am fixing that my youngest and his cousin are going to the new jumping place here nere by. My husband is going too. And when they get back dinner will hopefully be ready on the table waiting for a nice family dinner with my sister and her family.

Hide and seek

Friday and the rainiest day in ages. I was completely soaked going home from work. My shoes will never be the same again.

Now my family is fed and happy after minute steak and home made oven baked potatoes.

Someone just bought the desk we were selling. Yeah. They cut the price a bit but I was so glad that it found a new home for some happy kid I didn’t mind. And we got the space back in the house. Time to put out another set of adds. So far so good.

Listened to an old album going to work this morning – the song “Hide And Seek” is very special to me – a Howard Jones tune.

Lunch w BFF

It’s been raining off and on all week so now there iimg_20160406_175306.jpgs hardly any snow left. In the city it is all clear on the streets. Not even piles of snow anymore. Out here where we live it is getting very icy on the roads – terribly slippery. Snow is so much better.

Had  lunch with my BFF today. We haven’t been able to have lunch hardly at all this fall. Need to get back to at least a monthly basis again.

Roses and tulips .. just for me

Not the best week so far so I decided to think happy thoughts and have a good afternoon. Managed to clear my desk before I left work and then I didn’t hurry home for a change.

When I got home I gave it my best shot to get the stains out of my clothes. Read on the internet that you should take a damp cloth and put it underneath the stained clothes, then place some paper towels on top of the stains and iron on a low heat. It actually worked. Clothes looks as good as new. Amazing.

I treated myself a bouquet of flowers. Needed cheering up. I should probably get one for my sister too..

Pyssel hos N – 15 nov 2016

Pysselkväll efter en mycket lång stressig dag med många uppförsbackar.. vad kan då vara bättre en en myskväll med bästa tjejerna?

Spagetti med jättegod köttfärssås och vitlöksbröd. Mmmm. Så långt allt bra.

Sen var det dags för pyssel – vi skulle göra fina julljus var tanken men den julröda färgen var mer åt det rosa hållet och den mörklila färgen var
mer grå/ljuslila. Jag ville göra geleljus och tänkte färga dem i en ljusblå färg. Här var det dock inga problem alls att få stark färg så pyntet försvann i den kobolt-blå gelén…Till råga på allt elände så tappade jag ett stort ljus i det lila färgbadet. Inte bra. Lyckades skvätta ner halva syrrans kök med stearin. Inte bra. Usch.

En god kopp kaffe och glass fick avsluta kvällen. Hoppas färgen går bort.. jag är verkligen uppriktigt ledsen att jag klantade mig.