
What a wonderful long weekend we’ve had. So grateful for the time in our paradise, for mom being able to come along and that we could share some quality time together the three of us. Lovely. 

A very long drive back home – close to 9 hrs – due to a lot of traffic. We saw a fire in the forest that we reported to 112 – felt good to help out. Hopefully the firetrucks were able to get there in time before it spread too much. 

Great to hug my boys again when we got home. Now we’ve eaten a take-away dinner, unpacked the few things we had packed and crashed in our corners. I’m going to sleep very well tonight – so tired.

Hard work

A busy Saturday. We spent the entire morning preparing our deck – first sweeping it, then cleaning it and finally putting on linseed oil soap to seal the wood and give it a nice finish. Perfect! 3 hrs work done. 

After lunch we took a nice walk around the neighborhood in the lovely weather. So nice. 

My second-cousin came over for a chat and a coffee and after a while her hubby joined us too. 

We have also put up all the waterbutts to collect rainwater. Now a quiet evening enjoying another sunset and watching some tv before it is time to hug our pillows. Tomorrow we are going back to the real world again. Missing our boys though so in a way it will be nice to head home. 

Södra Greda

Friday already. Time passes by so quickly. We started the day with doing some more laundry and also working outside planting seeds that hopefully will grow into some vegetables this summer.

Had a nice chat with my uncle today. I went in to see him and stayed for a bit.

We drove to Södra Greda nature reserve for a stroll to enjoy all the beautiful flowers in the area. It is an iron age village and about 1500 years old.

Afterwards we went to Kårehamn for lunch and after that to Borgholm for some shopping. Now we are back home again and have a Friday eve to look forward to. Maybe another sunset if we’re lucky.

Time to breathe

What a great day. Lovely sunshine and no stress. We have been outside almost all day long so I’m sure we will sleep like rocks tonight. 

We have been in to see my uncle for a chat and he was in a great mood. Lovely to see he is doing so well. 

This afternoon we were invited to my second-cousin for coffee and home-baked goodies. We walked over there in the nice weather and we could sit outside for a few hours and had a nice visit. 

Looks like we might be able to enjoy a sunset tonight. Fingers crossed! 

Day of travel

We worked from home and after the day was done we started our journey to our paradise. There was a lot of traffic on a couple of occasions which delayed our journey a few hours so we didn’t arrive until very late. Some of the amazing sunset was still to enjoy even though it is close to 10.30 PM. 

Special day

Today we gathered everyone in the office to just try to get our heads around what just happened. It will take a while to get a grip. But, I am so grateful and thankful for having such wonderful colleagues that give each other respect, space and support. 

My hubby picked me up from the subway and we went to get the charging box that we have ordered for our paradise. Now we can bring it with us tomorrow. Feels strange that we actually are going down there now – but what a timing! Perfect! The boys will stay in town though. 

Another angel

Life can be so unfair sometimes.

Today one of my colleagues lost his fight and another angel has joined heaven. So terribly unfair and sad. I will pray for his family and for all of us colleagues to find the strength to go on and honor his legacy and hard work. He was one of the good guys with a big heart and he will be truly missed.

Be safe, where ever you are,
and we’ll see you in the next life. Until then.

Derby win

Sunday and the whole family slept in a bit. We didn’t get home until after 01.30 last night due to the ESC event.

After lunch I walked over to my parents to watch the derby soccer game on TV. And it was really a lot of nerves in the game but we managed to win 4-3. A lot of goals – 3 made on penalty shots and one own goal unfortunately. But, important 3 points to our team which was necessary going forward. Puh.

Made a nice steak dinner for my boys when I got back home. Short week to look forward to next week with Friday off and going down to our paradise for a long weekend. Nice. The boys will stay in town though but mom is coming along with us. Looking forward to that!

ESC – finale 2023

Time to choose this years winner of the Eurovision Song Contest – this year held in Liverpool but with the Ukraine colors.

We gathered the whole gang (almost) at my sisters for ESC-celebrations – with dinner, bubbly, music and dear dear friends!

Winner: Sweden – Loreen with “Tattoo”
Second place: Finland
Third place: Israel

Stockholm next year??? Maybe we can watch it on site?!

And N won the challenge price! Yeah! Congratulations and thank you for a great evening!

Semi 4, WC hockey, AW..

A busy Friday with a great ending! After work I met up with an old friend and former colleague and we had a nice dinner and chat together before we went over to the AW with old HP colleagues. “Friends from the past and recently” – theme of the evening. Met a lot of old colleagues and I had a great time. 

Tonight our team lost the 4th semi and didn’t manage to go thru to the finale this time. Bummer. Tight game with 31-30 figures. 

Tonight the world hockey championships started and we are facing Germany in the first game. 8 teams in each group so 7 games to enjoy before the playoffs begin.