
Brrrr a freezing morning. -5C. Doesn’t feel like spring right now. Should not be below 0C anymore.

My colleague had the day off so I was on my own at work today. Well, loads of other colleagues were there but no more admin.

Weekend again. Going to try to relax. Fix stuff in the garden. Read some. Watch some sports. Be with my family. Focusing on what’s important.

2 brothers & 2 sisters

Thursday and long day at work with a great ending – a girls night out with my mom and sister! First we met up at a Greek restaurant for dinner. The food was great and we managed to get a table without having a reservation. Perfect.

After dinner we walked over to Rival to enjoy an evening of nostalgia but also some new songs. The two brothers – Henrik and Magnus Rongedal – and the two sisters – Lili and Susie Päivärinta – had put a show together and their voices really matched each other and they sang great accompanied by the band Crash Boom Band! Loved their two new co-written songs too – “Shine” and “Side by Side”.