As good as new

A well overdue haircut – finally I got around to have it done. A couple of inches shorter and as good as new. Perfect start of summer. Yeah. And an afternoon with some me-time and pampering is not so bad either. 

Picked up some minute steaks and shrimps on my way home that I will prepare for the family tonight. No plans other than the regular chores and maybe working in the garden if the weather allows. Rain in the prognosis. 

Weekend – here we come!


Thursday and my long day. And what a busy day I’ve had. Puh. Managed to go home in time and got home as my hubby was done with his online meeting. We decided to be lazy tonight and took our boys over to Heron City for dinner. We all chose the thai-place and an ice cream for afters. Mm.

Now some corner time and catching up on series – starting out with “Den som dräper” from the other day.

Oh – happy 60th anniversary to mom and dad on their engagement day. Flag up for you!


Lucky me today – my oldest son wanted to join me for lunch in town. Lovely! We went to his favorite place and had our regular choices – mine a chicken blt sandwich. Unfortunately they had cancelled the lunch prices for the summer so it got a bit more expensive than usually, but it was delicious so that was good anyway.
Have prepared the elder tree flower cordial this afternoon. So, now we are set for a bit. Have also put some flowers in the freezer for later.
Now we are going to watch the “Midsomer Murders” – recorded it last night.


Long day and another warm sunny day. Our paradise received 35mm rain this morning and it was 18 m/s in the wind. Amazing how different the weather can be at the same time. 

After dinner me and hubby took a walk over to tend to my parents house. Nice to get some steps and also a reason to take a walk. Will go there again this weekend. 

Tonight the “Allsång på Skansen” starts up again – this time with a new host, Pernilla Wahlgren. Shall be interesting to see how she delivers in this job. Fingers crossed she will be great. Sanna is a hard person to replace though. 

Word of wisdom – Forward is a direction – not a speed. 


Our roses have started to bloom now – both the yellow, pink and purple ones. Love it! The other two are on their way too – maybe in a couple of days or so. 

Have been a busy bee all afternoon doing laundry, ironing, cooking. Made a few dinners since our minced meet needed to be prepared. Oh well – now we have the fridge filled with choices to heat up the next couple of days. 

It’s been another warm sunny day. I just wish it would cool down a bit at night – it’s difficult to sleep when it is so warm. 

Flag up

So nice with an extended weekend. And it has been a great one. Another sunny day today and we are invited over to my parents-in-law for dinner since it is my father-in-laws birthday today. So, flag up for him today!

Managed to sleep in a bit today which was good. We finished the cheese pie for lunch served with the marinated salmon we had for midsummer. Not bad!


Today it is my sisters birthday – so flag up for you today, dear sis! 

Midsummer day and a nice relaxing Saturday with little plans. Left-over lunch from yesterdays smörgåsbord. Bbq a nice steak tonight as a treat. 

Lovely sunny day but a little bit too warm for my liking when being so far away from the ocean. Longing for our paradise and the closeness to the sea. But, not too far away now but still need to work a bit longer. 


Midsummer eve. We had invited my parents-in-law over for a “smörgåsbord” lunch with the traditional herring of different sorts along with other goodies. 

After lunch we walked over to Herrängens Gård to participate in the midsummer celebrations but it was very warm outside and very crowded there so we didn’t stay for very long. Returned back and enjoyed some afternoon tea. 

Bbq dinner with potato gratin and veggies. Mmm. Strawberries with vanilla ice cream for afters. 

A lovely midsummer has come to an end. Now some bubbly before it is time to say good night.  

Made it

Short week and finally reached the last day. Hardly anyone in the office today but we had things to do until it was time to leave.

Had sushi for lunch today – mmm. Chicken for dinner. After we had finished we went grocery shopping for some last minute things for tomorrow. We are celebrating midsummer at ours together with my parents-in-law.

My sis, friend and parents went to our paradise today and arrived safely a long drive later. I hope they will have a great time! We will join them in a few weeks.


Short day today so I took advantage of my afternoon off and did some laundry and also baked a pie with Västerbotten-cheese for midsummer lunch. Nice to have it done. (photo borrowed from ICA)

Another try warm day – almost feels like it will be thunder. But the forecast seems more promising than a few days ago.