Cleaning day

Woke up extra early today. Why???? But it was really sunny outside so we took a morning bath in our spa. Nice. Then breakfast and ready to face the day around 8 o’clock. Not so bad after all. We spent the morning cleaning the house – dusting, changing curtains, doing laundry etc. And then I went over to IKEA for some shopping – need to prepare for my upcoming party.. The next 3 weekends we are going to be busy with other things so we need to make the most of this one. But, we made time for a 3k walk in the lovely weather!

Last night my nieces team-gym team almost swept the floor with their competitors – they managed to get gold in floor, gold in tumbling, silver in trampette and also gold in the overall. Yeah! *So proud aunt*

2 Replies to “Cleaning day”

  1. Så kul att ni kom båda två. Sara tyckte det var så roligt. Och extra kul när det blev medaljregn oxå!!!

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