

Today it is the official waffle day in Sweden.  It is quite funny because it was originally called the “vårfrudagen” (Lady Day/Annunciation Day) – when Mary was told that she was expecting a baby. It was also the day when the spring farming operations began.
Somewhere along the line we started to eat waffles on this particular day – a dear tradition. 

They also say that the amount of snow that’s left on the roof at this particular day is the same amount that will be on the ground on April 30th, when we light the big bonfires to welcome spring. I guess we will just have to wait and see. No snow on the roofs today.

3 Replies to “Våffeldagen”

  1. I bought myself a new waffle-iron this year, the old one was at last 45 years old. And we had waffles for lunch today. They were good.

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