Me and Carl

Today the IAAF World Indoor Championships starts. Three days of wonderful track and field to enjoy. This time it takes place in Sopot, Poland.001

When Carl Lewis participated in the DN Galan back in 1989, I had the honor to measure his jumps.

Of course – this brings back memories from the time when track and field was a big part of my life. Not only from a viewers perspective, but from being a referee.

003This picture was taken at the Stockholm Stadion back in 1984. My sister is missing in the picture, but my parents and best friend is there along with two other referees from the time.

Now – let’s cheere on our Swedish team this weekend – and especially the ones from “my” team – Hammarby.

3 Replies to “Me and Carl”

  1. Those were the days. It feels like a very long time ago (30 years) but I think about it as a very nice time. Lots of fun when the whole family was involved. Me and dad are still going – not strong – but in the games now and then.
    And of course we are cheering the atlethics from Hammarby – Michel Tornéus and Abeba Aregawi. Both made it to the final tomorrow.

    1. Yes – we have had an amazing childhood – couldn’t have asked for anything else and even though it was very hard work and never any sleep-ins due to competitions every weekend, I would not have want to have it any other way! <3 <3 <3

      1. Thank you, that warms up my heart to hear that you have some good memories from these days. And perhaps some day you will do it again. You are always welcome.

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