
What a day. And what a day yesterday too. Our ladies managed to win over Benfica with clear 2-0 and therefor managed to advance to the Champions League group play. Wow. Benfica hasn’t missed the group play ever until now. 

And tonight our men managed to win over Häcken with clear 2-0. A very necessary win in order to keep up with the lead. Back to third position. Good. A very tough derby is awaiting this weekend. Hmm.. We have a good derby-track record so fingers crossed the good luck continues. 

So much easier to focus and get a good nights sleep with this happy-injection rather than the irritation-injection you get with a loss. 

Apple pie and Finnkampen

Sunday already. The weekends go by way too quick. We managed to sleep in a bit this morning after a late return home after the party last night.

Baked another apple crumble pie today since we had my parents-in-law over for afternoon coffee. It was nice to see them – haven’t seen them in ages so it was good to sit down and chat for a bit.

My parents are on their way back home from Finland and the competition Finnkampen they have attended. For the first time in 26 years Sweden lost both the women- and the men competition. But, our boys and girls managed to win so that’s good for the future.
Men Sweden – Finland – 225 – 228
Women Sweden – Finland – 224,5 – 229,5
Boys Sweden – Finland – 118 – 102
Girls Sweden – Finland – 114 – 108

Olympics in Paris 2024

What a great olympic games – and so nice that it took place in Europe so we didn’t have a time-difference to consider.

The Swedish team had set up a goal of 12 medals and managed to win 11;

  • Gold:
    Sarah Sjöström, 100m freestyle swimming
    Sarah Sjöström, 50m freestyle swimming
    Armand Duplantis, pole vault
    David Åhman / Jonathan Hellvig, beach volleyball

Victor Lindgren, 10m air rifle
Vilma Bobeck and Rebecca Netzler, Womens skiff, 49er FX (sailing)
Truls Möregårdh, tabletennis
T Möregårdh, K Karlsson, A Källberg, tabletennis, team men

Tara Babulfath, judo, 48 kg
Jenny Rissveds, 30k cross country mountainbike
Anton Dahlberg and Lovisa Karlsson, sailing, 470 mixed

We tried to stay up and watch the grand finale and ending of the olympics, but it was a bit too late for us so we’ll watch the last hour on line afterwards. France has really delivered and the games have been great with maybe the exception of the swimmers getting sick after being in the Seine.. Next summer olympics will be in Los Angeles. Can’t wait!

Olympics 2024 Paris

Today is the official opening of the summer olympics 2024 hosted by Paris, France. Peder Fredricson and Josefin Olsson will be the Swedish standard bearers at the opening ceremony.

128 Swedish athletes are competing in 18 different sports. Shall be interesting to see if we will be able to meat the goal the Swedish Olympic Committee has set up on 10 medals.

Let the fun begin!

Day off

Since yesterday was the Ascension Day yesterday we took today off to get another long weekend. Lovely. Our youngest had to work so hubby game him a ride to work on his way to his workout. Win-win!

Today the sun is shining and it’s really nice weather outside. Perfect.

Tonight we play the first game in the Ice Hockey World Championship – this year played in Prague. Our first opponent is USA. Group A also consist of France, Germany, Latvia, Slovakia, Kazakstan and Poland. In group B Czechia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Switzerland, Austria, Great Britain and Canada play.

PS! We won 5-2! Amazing start! Fingers crossed it’s a sign we have a great team this year! Love that Erik Karlsson is captain and part of Tre Kronor again after 12 years absence. Yeah!

Swedish champions 💚🤍💚

A very exciting day with two thrilling games to watch. Hammarby on the same score as Häcken but in the lead due to better goal difference (+3). We had to win today and also retain the goal difference to keep Häcken behind us. As so we did! We managed to defeat Norrköping on an away game with 2-0. Häcken won 4-0 towards Göteborg. The difference was only one goal but – that was enough! Yeah! 

Our ladies are the Swedish champions in Damallsvenskan this year. SVENSKA MÄSTARE 2023! For the first time in 38 years! Amazing. And they also won the other tournament – Svenska Cupen – earlier this year. So – twice the champions the same year. So proud!

Congratulations to our women-team! Well done and well deserved!  

Finnkampen – day 2

Another day spent at our Olympic Stadium in Stockholm cheering on our team. And what a thrilling day it was – we didn’t know who won until the very last event. Hua. So glad we could go and have a fun day together – and no rain today at all! 

Results after the second day:
Men Sweden 227 – Finland 227 – Sweden won due to most won events!!!
Women Sweden 228,5 – Finland 225,5

Boys Sweden 96 – Finland 126
Girls Sweden 105 – Finland 118

After the competition mom and dad come along and we had dinner at home together. My hubby bbq pork filet – mmm. 

Also a very exciting derby today where our team managed to win 4-2. Yeah! Go Bajen! 

Finnkampen – day 1

Time for the old traditional track & field competition – Finnkampen. A two nations game between Sweden and Finland that started back in 1925 and the two countries arrange the competition every other year. This year it was held in Stockholm and me and my parents attended. 

A fun afternoon / evening packed with track events. Sweden in a slight lead after the first day for both the men and the women. Finland in a greater lead for the boys and girls. 

Results after the first day:
Men Sweden 104 – Finland 101
Women Sweden 114,5 – Finland 112,5

Boys Sweden 50 – Finland 66
Girls Sweden 57 – Finland 60

Tomorrow is the second day of the event! Fun fun fun. 

Bronze and 40 year anniversary

This morning Sweden was facing Australia in the bronze-game in the Women’s World Cup and they played great and won 2-0. Yeah! So well deserved!

We’ve done our chores today and tonight we had a nice pasta dinner together with strawberries for afters.

Tonight my hubby is going to participate in the 10k rum Midnattsloppet which celebrate 40 year anniversary this year. Can’t believe it’s been that long since we first started working on this event. Hubby has participated several times – somewhere around 15 times or so. Fingers crossed he will reach the goal he has set up for himself. I will cheer from home following his way around the track on the live website. Great service! Go hubby!

Mixed feelings

Last night our girls won the silver medal after have been completely ran over by Canada with 10-0. But, still, what an achievement! They have every reason to be proud! We have a great future in these young ladies. And extra fun since the championship was played here in Sweden.

New week – new challenges. Quite a busy day today and even more busy day tomorrow. Had an online meeting this afternoon with my financial advisor going thru what my employer has set up for me and what I have in private insurances and savings. Pretty good to do so every now and then I think. Everything looked good.