A l l s v e n s k a n


Woke up in a grey day in paradise. A bit windy but no rain. We packed our stuff and filled the car and left mom and dad in paradise after a wonderful week together. It has really been a great fall break with almost a spring feeling to it.

imageWe got back almost in time for the important soccer game. The top three teams all needed to win their games tonight and so they did. Hammarby won towards J Södra with the perfect 5-0. It was still 0-0 with the first 45 min played. With that result they won the whole series and are now back in the major league as of next season. Fun!

New energy gathered from this break and also the win tonight. Now time to role up the sleeves and get back to work for another 6 weeks before X-mas is here. Still no snow in sight.

Just idag är jag stark..

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