
It’s been raining non-stop all day and our surface water gully / draining pipe was so full it couldn’t swallow any more water. So, the water didn’t have any place to go and our garden pretty soon looked like a pool area. Then we had a major power outage and we realized it was our earth fault breaker that went off. So we went down under our house to the suspended foundation only to find out it was completely flooded too and the water had reached a wall outlet down there we have to provide our garage with electricity from our main house. This caused the earth fault breaker to release. Puh. We disconnected the power from the garage and could then turn the power back on in our house.

We called for help with the water and after a while assistance arrived – but to the house across the street which also had been flooded. They had a furnished first floor which was a bit more urgent to drain from water than our house. The same property which shed was hit by lightning this weekend and caused a major commotion – talk about a bad week!

Now we need to figure out what to do next and how to take care of all the water everywhere. But, I guess we need to wait until the rain stops which might take a day or two.

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