App x 3

Oh what a day. Started early with my dentist appointment – preparations to put a cap on my root canal. The procedure itself took about an hour and it went really well. Unfortunately, I got stuck in the elevator on my way to the dentist. I got in, the door closed and then nothing happened. I had to press the alarm. Still nothing. After a few minutes someone else called for the elevator way up in the building and it started to work again and I got out. Puh. What a way to start my appointment.

Got back home and worked my hours – and had quite a lot on today which was fun. Then one final appointment with my therapist and then, since I was in the building, I went to do my physio therapy as well. Done for the week. No more now.

I’m going to make burgers with mashed potatoes for dinner in a bit. But first I’m tucked in my corner for a little while. Needed a break for some reason. Lol.

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