Family dinner

A rainy day but with a great evening when my sis w/ family came over for dinner. Her youngest had to work though. We had been busy bees all day getting ready for guests. I made a pork filet casserole with a leek cream covered with puff pastry. Served with rice, a nice sallad and a home made sherry sauce. Garlic bread and a glass of white. Mmm. 

We had bought the latest JackBox package and played together all evening and had a great time. Love the traditional ending of “Trivia Murder Mystery” which we played I think five times before it was time to say good night. Thank you for a great evening! Let’s do it again soon! 


I’ve been looking to buy this fan-t-shirt (used for warm-up before the games by the players) since they first launched it about half a year ago. They sell out as soon as they are in stock. This time, however, I managed to buy one. Yeah! Love it. Since it was sold out online I went over to the only store that still had copies and managed to buy one. They only had 2 left in my size. Lol. 

Fun weekend awaits with my sis w/ family coming over tomorrow night and a derby to watch on TV on Sunday with my parents. Unfortunately the weather prognosis isn’t great so we might not enjoy the spa this weekend. Fingers crossed it will clear up and not rain as much as they think. 

First snow

The very dark clouds yesterday did bring winter and snow. Today the first snow fell – but just a symbolic amount to warn us what’s coming. Also Stockholm city started to prepare for Xmas today – the huge decorations was placed out and I expect them to be put into place by tomorrow when I arrive back in town. 

Very busy day today and I managed to get a lot prepared for tomorrow so hopefully I will have a chance to complete everything that needs to be done before the weekend. 

A thought to Lars Berghagen who sadly passed away today. His treasure of songs and music is impressive. Many of my favorite songs are written by him. Heaven will be a happier place with this new angel entertaining the other angels. “Ja det var en kväll i juni  – då när sommarn är som bäst”. 

Dark clouds

This morning I went to work a bit earlier than usually since we had a training starting at 08.00. Very dark clouds were covering the sky as I went to the busstop. But, no snow today what I could see. 

Picked up my winter boots that the shoemaker had fixed for me – they look as good as new! Perfect. Well invested money and great that I don’t have to buy new ones. 

Made a flank steak with oven baked veggies for dinner. Turned out ok. Now some corner time catching up on my mail, friends, and news on tv. 

Fall decor

Long day today. Quite a chilly morning and after work it was raining. Quite a lot too because my hubby took the subway back home instead of going on his mono-wheel. 

Made a pork & rise casserole tonight – something all four of us enjoy. Fried some mushrooms and onions on the side. Not bad. 

Quite happy with my fall decorations out front – a few things in a basked and voilà! 

Read the signs

Monday again. Spent my afternoon off doing chores – took my winter boots to the shoemaker to try to make them last a bit longer. Then I took the commuter train to my old dentist and managed to misread the signs and ended up having to take two busses back. Lol. Oh well. I got there in the end but lost about an hour of my afternoon off. 

Took care of the leftovers from the weekend for dinner – great. Now we are treating us some ice cream while watching another episode of “Lupin” – a new season was released a few days ago. Love that series. You can find it on Netflix. 

Castle of the month – Kristineberg

Time to visit the castle of the month – this time we chose Kristineberg Slott situated on Kungsholmen in Stockholm. Built back in 1647 and now classified as a property of highly cultural historical value. The main building is private properties now. The rest is a school since many years called Kristinebergsskolan and has students from pre-class to class 6. The castle isn’t open to visitors so we just took a stroll around the area. 

We couldn’t find a café that was open or not crowded so we ended up driving back home and enjoyed my homebake from yesterday along with hubby’s freshly baked bread instead. Not bad. 


After our regular Saturday chores me and my oldest went for a long walk in the forest. Haven’t done that in a long time and the trail is quite challenging so I will probably feel it tomorrow. But, we had a nice chat and time together. Lovely. 

Been a busy bee today and baked two kinds of buns – one with cinnamon and one with almond icing filling. Mmm. Perfect to fill the freezer. 

Made a fish casserole for me and hubby tonight and chicken filet for the boys. Now some corner time enjoying a Saturday eve infront of the tv. 

One year mark

Last October we moved in to our new premises. Completely renovated and designed to suit our company and be a great workplace for people to feel good about and be proud of. And we did it. The company is thriving, people come in to the office instead of working from home in a much higher degree and we are proud of what we have accomplished.

We wanted to celebrate the success and treat ourselves to an afterwork – or a full day really – with different little perks. Starting with fruit & berries and juice-shots for breakfast, continuing with candy during the day and ending with toasting in a glass of fizz served with five kinds of pintxos from Bouqeria. Mmm.

An afterwork event which was supposed to last for a few hours and ended up being a full evening because we had such a great time enjoying great food and conversation. I feel so lucky to have the best colleagues and I am so proud of having been part of this organisation from the start. We celebrate 20 years as a company in January.


Thursday and the day we usually try to finish off as many left overs we can in the fridge. So, I made a wok for the boys with three different kinds of meat and also heated up the casserole-leftovers from last night for me and hubby. Perfect!

A nice and sunny day today and I was out for a quick walk during lunch. I had a business meeting with a lunch to follow which was nice for a change.

It is so very dark outside now in the mornings and evenings. Fall is really here and winter is around the corner. Already half way into October. Tomorrow we are having an afterwork-event celebrating our first year in our new office. Time flies.