New delivery

Today my parents came over with the rest of the cordial – red currants this time. Very tasty! Thank you so much!

My short day was extended a few hours but I have gotten a lot done which feels good.

Nice and sunny outside today but I didn’t feel like walking after work.

Trying to figure out what to make for dinner.. Need to include some new veggies. Hm.. Had mushroom soup for lunch – does that count as a veggie? Maybe we can pick up something – the fridge is kind of low on choices.

PS! Great progress – had shrimp salad for dinner .. rocket salad, red onions, black olives, green bell peppers, avocado, carrots and a slice of lemon (besides the veggies I’ve already had this week) – so seven new ones. And I had a banana tonight. Which makes 6+1+1+7+1 = 16 different fruits/veggies so far this week. Tomorrow will be a challenge but I still have a couple of choices at home to add to my list of fruits/veggies/berries to manage 25 different ones.