

Premiere swim in the ocean (15,7C) before breakfast as the tradition bids.  Brrrr. The day started out pretty good but in the afternoon the rain came along and it’s been raining ever since.  No sunset. No walk. But a shopping tour around the northern part of the island. I actually bought a few things.

Soccer tonight. Brazil – Holland. Orange is my color. (And – yeah – they did win the bronze 3-0!)


Finally our turn. Very shoimagert day at work – then a lovely lunch all by myself on the way home. Thought I might need a bit of extra energy for the long drive. Then I did good and skipped the bus – since I was going to sit still for 6-7 hrs anyway. 

Not much traffic – just a few lines here and there but not bad at all. We made it down shortly after the sunset but I was still able to enjoy the amazing colors for a while before it got dark. Let’s hope we will have many more sunsets to enjoy this summer!


What a lovely morning – a perfect day – yet again. I do hope and pray there will be some of those days left when my vacatioimagen starts. The weather prognosis promises rain though.. but, it will get better after a day or two.

Quite busy first part of the day but then it got all quiet so I left a little bit early. Now some me-time before it is time to go over to a friend’s house for dinner to celebrate her birthday. I haven’t seen her in a while so I am really looking forward to this evening.

Packing packing packing.. not my favorite part but it is a small price to pay for the reward of going to my paradise.

Neon pink to brighten up

How to make it more fun to check your weight… buy a fun scale in an awesome color.. lol image

No – I wanted a scale for our paradise.. to not let myself go completely down there. Still have another 3kg to get rid of.

Last night Germany practically ran over Brazil.. Let’s hope Holland is able to do the same with Argentina tonight.

(Nope – congrats Argentina 4-2 after full time and penalty kicks)

28C / 82F



This week would have been nice to be in paradise.. but it is quite nice to be in a well air conditioned office too..

I am really happy for the members of my family who are down there though.

Working progress with my curtains – I am no expert and I asked the lady in the store to help me cut them since it is quite tricky to get it straight. While putting the curtains together I realize that she was no expert either.. Oh well.

Tonight it is the first semi final in the world cup. Go Germany! And tomorrow my vote goes to Holland. Only European teams in the final would be great.

(PS – Germany beat Brazil 7-1…  an historical victory and complete humiliation for the host country)

Summer at last

imagePuh.. How come one is never satisfied? We have longed for the warm sunny weather for ages and now when it finally arrives everyone is miserable because it is so warm (86F/30C).

I am glad it is finally summer though. My children went down to our summerhouse today with their grandparents and my sister and her girls. This means that they will enjoy sunsets, morning swims and great time together starting NOW. We will have to wait a few more days before we will join them.

I have bought material today and started to sow new curtains for our livingroom in paradise. I am no expert in sowing curtains but I hope they will look ok once I have finished working on them.


Finally the day we have been preparing for has come. Filip and his cousin Karin went through their confirmation.

imageAnd the weather-Gods were kind – it was a lovely day! Quite warm in the Huddinge Kyrka – but clear blue sky and a light breeze so the tent didn’t leave the backyard (lol).

There were 14 teenagers in their group so the church imagewas so crowded not a single person more would have been able to fit in. It was a service filled with music and joy – and it was a nice moment for all of us.

After church we invited the closest family and friends over for lunch in our back yard and it was really nice to sit down and eat and drink something after a long day.

Thank you for mimageaking this day so special!

Me and my husband are God parents to Karin. My sister and her husband are God parents to Filip.

We were invited to participate in church in the moment when they were blessing the confirmands and close the circle from the christening. It was pretty special to be there for Karin!


Tomorrow is a big day in our family – our youngest and his cousin are beingimage confirmed. So, lots of preparations needed to be done today – grocery shopping, baking, tidying, preparing for 30 guests to sit outside..

Me and my sister and our mother worked together to prepare the “smörgåstårta” for lunch while the guys built the tent and put up all the furnitures outside.

I think imagewe have done all we can – now we are just praying that the weather-Gods are with us too and give us a great day with clear blue sky and no wind.

It has been a real summer day today and we are all a bit taken by the warm weather which we are not used to at all. It’s been almost 80F today and very sunny. Lovely!


Fredagsmys.. And summer is here! Dinner outside. Perfect way to end a very busy week.

imageMany years ago my sister and her family gave me this rose and every year it gets amazing flowers in bright orange and yellow. It is called a “tivoli” rose and has a lovely scent.

I was given a summer present – to go and chose a pocket book / paperback from a store in town. This year my choice fell on the latest book of Khaled Hosseini – And The Mountain Echoed. I really liked his previous books – The Kite Runner – and – A Thousand Splendid Sunimages. I am looking forward to reading this latest one.

Some fun world cup games to enjoy tonight with the quarter finals just starting. My money goes to Germany (vs. France) and Brazil (vs. Colombia).




When I have a minute left I love to play games on my cell phone or Ipad. A way for me to clear my mind .

Wordfeud has been a favorite for a while and I have some really good battles with a few dear friends.

When I need a distraction that doesn’t demand any sort of brain activity or quick decisions, I love to play Bakery Story or Candy Crush – even though the latter one occasionally makes my heart raise a bit.. lol

It is raining again today – but it started out pretty good. Short day at work due to a doctors appointment – nothing serious – just a checkup for one of the kids. Now a coffee in my corner while the laundry machine is working and before it is time to fry the pork chops  for dinner.