
Finally the day we have been preparing for has come. Filip and his cousin Karin went through their confirmation.

imageAnd the weather-Gods were kind – it was a lovely day! Quite warm in the Huddinge Kyrka – but clear blue sky and a light breeze so the tent didn’t leave the backyard (lol).

There were 14 teenagers in their group so the church imagewas so crowded not a single person more would have been able to fit in. It was a service filled with music and joy – and it was a nice moment for all of us.

After church we invited the closest family and friends over for lunch in our back yard and it was really nice to sit down and eat and drink something after a long day.

Thank you for mimageaking this day so special!

Me and my husband are God parents to Karin. My sister and her husband are God parents to Filip.

We were invited to participate in church in the moment when they were blessing the confirmands and close the circle from the christening. It was pretty special to be there for Karin!

One Reply to “Konfirmation”

  1. Thank you for a lovely day, I am so glad to have been a part of it.
    It seemed that they have had a great time together during the last weeks which ended in the ceremoni today. Love you all.

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