

Decided to contribute to a good cause today so I bought one of these bracelets that an organization called “Ung Cancer” sell to raise money. They work to create meeting points, inform and educate us all to improve the living conditions for young people who have been diagnozed with cancer.

Today it was thundering a lot for a while and after a heavy rainfall which even included hail the sun came back out again.  Lovely summer we have this year. . Let’s hope the good weather is saving itself for my vacation!

White chocolate


Started the day with a walk. A bit chilly but nice. We celebrated a birthday girl at work today – the cake covered with white chocolate flakes on a sponge cake,  filled with raspberries and whipped cream was delicious.

Now the sun went somewhere else and it is raining so hard I don’t even want to go outdoors.  Feel sorry for the confirmation group who has a field trip today and will spend the evening at an outdoor concert. I hope they don’t get too wet and cold so they get sick..

Canned food

Today I did really good – walk wise. First I walked to thimagee subway this morning – the bus left me behind so it was an easy choice. Then I have been running around the office all day – busy busy busy.

After some well earned me-time (which I choose to spend getting a treatment from my naprapath) I decided to be a good girl and walk back too. 14000 steps and still hours left of the day. Yeah!

Since I didn’t have time for lunch I was really hungry when I got back home – so a quick lunch/dinner combo was necessary.. but, food from a can is actually pretty good when you are really really hungry. And yes – I did heat it up before I ate it. Not that desperate. Now I will cook some more qualitative food for my boys.




Throwing away food is something I try to avoid and just heating up leftovers is not always the best thing to do. So why not turn your leftovers into a new yummy dish instead?

This pie, for instance, is filled with leftover ham, roast beef, blue cheese, broccoli, bell peppers and sour cream. Oh and an egg to keep it together. Simple yet delicious.

imageMy white peonies are in full bloom now. I am so glad they are a little
bit behind in blooming compared to my pink peonies – this way I can enjoy flowers a bit longer. These white ones have the most amazing fragrance too.

So who are you all cheering on tonight? My heart goes to Holland!


Stop motion animations

Nick Park. A British director behind the production company Aaardman Animations. He is a personal favorite of mine with brilliant movies andimage series like “Wallace and Gromit”, Chicken Run and “Shaun the Sheep”.

If you haven’t seen any of his movies I can truly recommend them. Six of his movies have been nominated for Academy Awards and four of them have actually won. They have also won several BAFTA awards and also been nominated an Emmy Award.

My personal favorites are “Chicken Run” and the short movies with Wallace and Gromit such as “The wrong trousers”, “A grand day out” and “A close shave”.

So – if you have nothing to do on a rainy day – please explore the adventures in these movies! You won’t be disappointed!



Today the scale was not being nice to me so I walked to the subway this morning. Second day in a row. I completely blame my friend last night for serving such excellent food. And home made bread fresh from the oven. Who can resist?

I had to walk some errands at work too so I got a couple of extra kilometers on my tracker. It’s going to be interesting to see how many steps I have taken today (a little over 15500 when the day came to an end .. ) .

The scale might be laughing at me tomorrow too.. bought us a treat for tonight.. since it is Friday.. and we deserve it..

Pyssel hos A – 26 juni 2014

Sommaravslutningsträff med god mat och trevligt sällskap! Vi har avnjutit goda kwpid-img_20140626_224832.jpgycklingspett med risonisallad och hemlagat bröd! Samt ett glas vin eller två..

Mycket prat och skratt – tack för att ni finns! Vi roade oss även med “Ryktet går”.. ett härligt spel som spelar lite på vår konstnärliga ådra!



My sister always writes aboimageut her being a taxi-mom and I think I might qualify under that label too.. and really – I don’t mind. They years go by so fast and I am determined to try to see the good part in the “now” rather than long for something that might come along later.

Picked up my youngest at the day camp – went to get his shots – dropped him back off at the day camp again. Grocery shopping, laundry, dinner .. you know.. the everyday stuff..


Mimagey sister.. today it is her birthday and we are going over there in a minute to celebrate her and her husband (who happens to have his birthday the same week – very convenient).

Few bonds are tighter and more precious than the ones between siblings. I can’t imagine life without her even though we have had our ups and downs growing up struggling to get our own identities and independence and once received that connected again in a way that seem virtualimagelie impossible to come in-between.

Nettan – I wish you all the best and I look forward to our time together in our paradise
in a couple of weeks together with mom and dad and our kids and hubbies.

See you in a bit!


Shrimp sandwich and breakfast rolls


Got off early today so I went shopping for a birthday present. No luck in town so I made a stop at the Liljeholmen mall. There I started with lunch – a really good shrimp sandwich – on white bread, with lettuce,  boiled egg, cucumber, mayo and lemon. Yum.

Then I went looking for the present and I found what I wanted after a bit of struggling.  But mission accomplished in the end. Gifts are important – I like to put some heart into both the gift and the wrapping. Makes it personal!image

When I came home I made breakfast rolls with poppy seeds on (noticed I have made an error with the recipe – 2msk caster sugar is missing).

The kids and I treated ourselves a taste while they were still warm so the butter and cheese kind of melted.. Soooo delicious!