DN Galan 2014

Memories, memories.. I have worked on so many DN Galan competitions over the years. But since I became a mother I have not been aimageble to keep my referee interest up – so it is extra fun to be able to attend one of these huge events. Especially with my mom and dad – which I did today. They are so well known and appreciated by a lot of great athletes and people in the business – everyone wants to stay and chat for a bit and ask how they are doing. It really feels great to see that all their hard work has resulted in great friendships and a lot of respect. They deserve it so well.

The evening resulted in a new best result this year on 5000 m, but other than that the results were nothing spectacular but ok.

Shot #2

Very short day at work today – new appointment for my youngest’s allergy shots. Time for the second one. Nine more to go. Puh. But, so far so good! image

Both my sons have started school now so we are slowly but surely getting back into the fall-routine again. Next week the sport activities starts again too. Fun!

I have passed my walking goal today with good margin. Really proud of myself. I am going to try and keep it up as long as the weather allows me to. Fingers crossed it will be for a while yet!


Monday. New week.

Did my walk back and forward to imagethe subway but my legs were quite stiff today (I walked 10k yesterday – wanted to see if I could do it). Need a break I think.

Went home – picked up the car – went to buy groceries. Business as usual. Got home – fixed dinner for today – and tomorrow (I have dinner guests and work late). And baked bread. Wow. Busy busy.

Now I have crashed in my corner taking care of my e-mail and other stuff that need my attention. But – this is going to be a great week – dinner with my girls and then DN-galan on Thursday. Yeah!

10k in a bright colored t-shirt

Last night it was the 33rd edition of Midnattsloppet – the 10k run in Stockholm. They sat a new record with 41500 participants in the run which is the highest number of participants in a 10k run in all Europe. Amazing.

My husband has participated a lot of times (15 or more) and maybe maybe it is time for me to drag myself to the challenge. I have never ran far my whole life. Barely even short distances. But I am a pretty good walker – and I just saw that there are a whole bunch of runners that probably (looking at their result) have walked the whole distance.


Skiing – running

Very proud of myself today – started early (couldn’t sleep) with a  quiet breakfast in my corner. Then I decided to challenge myself and see if I would survive a run. So, I walked quickly to the forrest – ran as far as I could, then walked some, then ran some more – came back out from the forrest and walked quickly back again. 38 min. There is a big difference in altitude in this track and the hills almost killed me – but I made it back and I feel very proud of myself. 20140104_141922

We have now made some plans for the winter – we have skipped the idea of going to the sun this fall. We will go down to our paradise instead. But we did book a trip to Trysil since we really enjoyed it there last year. The weather wasn’t great but we have decided to give it another try. This time we will be there for a whole week and not in early January like last time and instead go a few months later. Anyone wanna come too? See you in the slopes!

Tonight it is Midnattsloppet – maybe that is a challenge for me? Mwhahaha – no, maybe not. My husband has run it loads of times. Since it is practically a family-thing maybe it is my duty to at least try. I wonder how slow you are allowed to be in order to be allowed to finish!?



It was a beautiful morning today. My walk to the subway was really nice. After work I decided to walk back again – 7 times this week! And my scale is actually happy again. Let’s hope the weather Gods are with me so I can keep up this new trend of moving more.

We have had a great Friday eve with my parents over for a bbq and a nice time to catch up after their long journey around Sweden and Norway. And to watch the athletics on tv of course. Abeba won the silver medal (she was so disappointed) and Michel qualified for the long jump final on Sunday. So Hammarby has done good so far.

No visit to our second paradise tomorrow due to bad weather. We’ll see if it gets better – then maybe we can go on Sunday.

Day 3

Time to cheer on our Swedish team again – tonight Angelica is in the pole vault finale – fingers crossed she will have a good day! She will mimageost likely need to set a new Swedish record in order to be top three, so it’s a tough challenge.

No amazing Swedish results so far but still many days to go. Our Hammarby competitors haven’t started yet ..


imageFirst shot out of 11 today – it was no problem and we had a great battle at the Fia-board.. two clowns came by and gave us a first and second prize to fight for! Guess who got what?

Now I have run some errands and still have some more to do before it is time to sit down and enjoy the second day of the athletics competition. Missed the morning session due to the hospital visit but still have the evening session to look forward to.

Yeah – let the game begin

Today the European Championships in Athletics began. It takes place in Zürich Switzerland at the Letzigrundstadion.

We have a pretty goimageod Swedish team – 4 of them from Hammarby (!) – Michel Tornéus (long jump), Abeba Aregawi (1500 m) and two marathon runners Hanna Lindholm and Emil Lerdahl.  Fortunately a lot of the competition takes place after work and in the weekend – so I won’t miss the whole thing. Bad choice to start working this week..

Keep your fingers crossed for the Swedish team now!