
imageBusy Thursday – still a bit low on energy after all my exercises  and donating blood so I treated myself a pasta for lunch. They have a new place across the street where they serve freshly made pasta dishes cooked right in front of you. They are a bit too good to be honest – hard to stay away from.

My youngest went out running with his dad tonight. I am so proud that he did that. It is so good for him in more ways than one – and much more fun doing sports if you don’t get completely out of breath in no time. I hope they can make it a regular activity from now on.


imageYesterday took more energy out of me than I realized. Life was much easier a few years back when I was allowed to take paid time off to take care of my children. Even though it was hard work it also gave me a chance to re-cover and get some strength back.

Tonight it is my turn to exercise – I hope the swimming pool won’t be too crowded. I hate when it is. The times I am able to swim in my own pace without getting hit by anyone else – those times are really great – unfortunately they don’t happen too often.


What a crazy day – everything at the same time! But, I have done great walk-wise. About 18500 steps today and still some to go. A lot of errands and then a walk home in the dark. I have to turn on my flashlight walking by the lake – there are no stimagereet lights there so it is completely dark. Quite scary actually.

Did a good deed today! I am a very positive person in all aspects except when it comes to my blood type. Then I am an A-. Last time it didn’t work – but this time it was no problem. I just hope it will do some good for someone who needs it. I think it is everyones obligation who is able to do so to donate blood – if you are prepared to receive blood you should be prepare to give blood. So – come on – if you haven’t already! You might save someones’ life!


A good start of the week. Very busy morning at work and then I picked up my youngest to go shoe shopping at this store in Spånga who is just about the only store in Stockholm imagewho carries special shoes for gymnastics. The drive was worth the while and we found him a pair. Let’s hope the shoes give him the support he needs.

It was very fascinating to be in the store – made me realize the amazing supply girls have to choose between and the one pair of pants and one kind of tank top for boys. Take it or leave it sort of. Lol. Sad really.

Great day

Got up early so we could get out to our second paradise in time for the 11 o’clock coffee. And so we did. image

We have had a great day – took a nice stroll around the island and enjoyed a lovely two-course lunch on the glass veranda.

Packed all our linnen and towels to bring back home since we won’t be spending the night out there any more this season. Soon time to take up the boat for the winter.

But we have had a fantastic day on the island – life is good.

House cleaning

A short sleep in (I am rubbish at sleep ins) then busy busy all day. My husband has spent the entire day going back and forward to the waste disposal site – cleaning up all the branches from the yard work and clearing out some stufwpid-IMG_20140110_141246.jpgf from the garage.

I have been equally busy indoors – vacuuming, doing laundry (3-4 loads), cleaning the bathroom and kitchen, ironing, dusting and sweeping floors. Now the house looks almost livable again.

Now a few minutes with a nice coffee before it is time to step into the role of being a taxi-mom..

Have a great Saturday everyone!


The ultimate luxury for me is time to myself and to paimagemper myself with some sort of treatment. A friend of mine recommended a little spa close to where I work that offers pedicure among other things. 60 min of pure joy.

A nice soak of my tired feet after all this walking the past months. Then a pedicure. Then a scrub. Then massage. And finished it off with a nail polish – color of my choice. And all this while comfortably seated in a massage chair that took care of my back. Now my feet feel like new again – gorgeously soft and with a lovely scent. My back, however, could really use a visit to my naprapath.. I hope I can make an appointment soon.


Weekend is coming closer. This has been a long week. Lol.

IMG_20121113_073925When we were in church in Palma they played a Taizé-hymn that we used to sing in the choir. Brought back lots of nice memories so I dug out my old sheet music and played some of my favorite ones. The Taizé-music is very meditative and good for the soul.

Booked myself a treat for tomorrow.. pedicure after work.. can’t wait!



Fall has arrived to Sweden. It was 3C this morning and it’s been raining off and on. Brrrrr. What a difference to Majorca!

No walk home due to the rain but while my youngest was at his gymnastics practice I did good and went swimming. 1000 m. Yeah! Took me 40 minutes. Then the pool got a bit too crowded and when I had been kicked 4 timimagees I gave up. Lol. I know – quitter – right. I enjoyed some time in the sauna before it was time to pick up my son again.

My mom gave me these lovely little pumpkins – and I added a flower to the plate and created a fall decoration. I am pleased with the result!


I have not been so tired at work in a long long time. Didn’t hit imagethe pillow until 1 am this morning and a little less than 5 hrs is definitely not enough sleep for me. But, it was worth it!

The partners of the firm treated us a lovely gift to enjoy at work – a huge 7kg pata negra – the best ham money can buy. I hope it will last for a long time!