Sunday mass

Sunday we went to the 12 o’clock mass. It was really imagefascinating. Even though I don’t speak Spanish I was able to follow the ceremony quite well. It was very short, less than 40 min, so we stayed during the whole thing.

After a nice lunch in the harbor we went on a lovely trip on a catamaran. It was just a perfect afternoon.

wpid-img_20140921_180556.jpgWe anchored after a while and was able to go for a swim from the boat – the water was amazing!

Then it was time to go back to the city while the sun set.

Another perfect day!



Saturday morning we all got up fairly early and had a great breakfast. Then we divided into two groups – one went hiking and one went biking. Guess which group I was.. lol

The mountain was quite a challenge for our group so we took the local bus up the first and hardest part of the timagerip. Then we enjoyed 2x3k hikes in fairly challenging terrain. Each part took almost an hour to complete. But, it was beautiful and a lot of fun.

After lunch a bus took us down to Palma and a new hotel. This time with an ocean view from the 8th floor.

imageIn the evening we had the best tapas dinner to celebrate our 10th anniversary as a company. One gorgeous dish after another until we were so full we couldn’t eat any more.

Spanish food at its best.



The alarmclock woke me up at 03:45 and 20 min later the cab picked me up. After a long day with change of flights and delays we have now arrived in beautiful Majorca and checked in at a fancy hotel in the village Soller up in the mountains.  Let the fun begin.

Soller is an amazing little town village and I would loimageve to return one day with my family.

We took the local train down to the harbor – Port Soller – for dinner. The train ride made the trip very memorable riding through the landscape and all the orange- and lemon trees.


Fall has really arrived with chilly mornings and it is very mimageisty. The cobwebs are pieces of art – and extra beautiful when they are filled with tiny drops of water in the morning dew.

Fortunately we don’t have any dangerous spiders in our country. One of the most poisonous one is a European garden spider (korsspindel) – with the characteristic cross on its back. But it is still not even as poisonous as a wasp.

Tomorrow I am going to Mallorca with my work. I have no idea how much I will be able to update this page during the trip, but  hopefully I can post a pic or two and then update with text later.  My alarm clock is set to 03:45..


Home after working a short day today. Very busy though and productive!

imageDecided to have lunch in the city before I went home – and my choice fell on a pasta – pesto – chicken salad at McD. They are actually quite good. Enjoyed together with a sparkling water – no lemon – still no sodas for me! Yeah!

Since I had to stop for groceries I didn’t walk home. And since I accompanied my son this morning I didn’t walk then either. BUT – tonight I am taking my youngest to his gym practice and while he is busy with that I will go swimming. Fingers crossed the pool won’t be too crowded. Maybe I can swim even longer than the 500m I try to do as a minimum.


Tucked in my corner after a very long busy day. The feeling of completion is slowly settling in. I have gone through the first round of my pile – yeah! Feels really good. wpid-img_20140306_112157.jpg

Took a walk both to and from work today – over 15.000 steps so far and maybe I will get a couple more before bedtime. Feels really good.

After working hard for a couple of days I miss our bathtub so much. My poor muscles are getting so sore. But – we have made some progress on the bathroom – no humidity left so the control man will give the insurance company thumb up to go ahead and re-do the floor. Yeah! Feels really good.

Miss my chair

One of those days.. the morning didn’t go quite as planned – on more than one account. I had a great plan about what to do today but tons of other things had to come first so back to square one. New day wpid-img_20140718_145724.jpgtomorrow – new chance to get through the pile.

Lots of things to get done this week – then we are leaving for a long weekend to celebrate our firm’s 10th anniversary. That will be a fantastic trip, I’m sure.

But right now I wish I was tucked in my chair. In my paradise. Watching the ocean. Listening to the swallows. If I close my eyes I can imagine myself being there. That is a good memory to have and pick out every now and then.

Oh – and the left wing won. So a major change is to be expected.

Election day

Today I enjoyed one of my legal rights as a citizen of this country and voted in the big election that is held every 4th year.

We have three elections at one time – election to parliament, county council and local government. One yellow, one blue and one white paper – one in each envelope. Then the votes get registered and counted and sometime tonight we will know a preliminary result of the election.

imageWill our government remain seated or will there be a change. Right now we have a conservative government – they have won the last two elections – but Sweden also has a tradition of left-wing government and they are growing quite strong again and might take over. Soon we will find out.

imageLovely Sunday – sunshine and quite nice weather. We even enjoyed lunch on the patio outside!

And there is still some apple cake left for the afternoon coffee!! Life is pretty good.


More cake..

A nice long Saturday filled with chores – and I also baked a cakimagee which turned out great! I have baked my way through the apple recipes in the cookbook that I put together a few years back. This one is definitely a favorite – really worth trying!

Want the recipe – just follow the link!

Now I just came back from taking my youngest to his gym practice. A friend of his also came along today to try and see if he wants to start too. That would be fun for both of them.

He survived his gaming night but I assume he will be a bit tired at practice. I hope he is able to focus so he don’t injure himself.


imageToday we got a real treat at work – we always try to celebrate our colleagues when someone has a birthday. It is a really nice tradition but since we are becoming quite a lot of colleagues nowadays we try to celebrate a few at a time if their birthdays are close. So, today we had 3 colleagues to sing for. We had a nice coffee in the afternoon and enjoyed a lovely chocolate cake and also a white chocolate cake filled with raspberry mousse.

And it is Friday again. This week has really gone by so quickly. My youngest is at a friends house – they will be playing computer games all night. Picking him up tomorrow morning. Have a great Friday everyone!