Miss my chair

One of those days.. the morning didn’t go quite as planned – on more than one account. I had a great plan about what to do today but tons of other things had to come first so back to square one. New day wpid-img_20140718_145724.jpgtomorrow – new chance to get through the pile.

Lots of things to get done this week – then we are leaving for a long weekend to celebrate our firm’s 10th anniversary. That will be a fantastic trip, I’m sure.

But right now I wish I was tucked in my chair. In my paradise. Watching the ocean. Listening to the swallows. If I close my eyes I can imagine myself being there. That is a good memory to have and pick out every now and then.

Oh – and the left wing won. So a major change is to be expected.

2 Replies to “Miss my chair”

  1. Today there is a man on your roof ( in paradise) helping us to get a new roof. He is hammering all day i
    until now. So no resting here. But next time you are coming you can put up the chair.

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