Important game

The ice hockey tournament has come to the last game in theimage group play. After tonight it is time for the quarter finals. If we manage to defeat Russia we will avoid having to face Finland or Canada. Our chances are quite slim though.

Hubby treated us a box from the Delicato outlet yesterday. The goodies didn’t quite survive the trip in his backpack bicycling home.. they still taste delicious but they have looked better. Lol.


imageIt’s a bit ironic – the music left the city and so did the sunshine. Lol. The city was so empty this morning when I arrived. No Come Together flags decorating the streets. No x-ing crossings playing previous winner songs. No tourists. Just chilly, windy and rainy. Blä.

Managed to get a lot done this afternoon. Now I am going to reward myself with the very last episode of “Good Wife”. I will miss Alicia and the rest.

Rain rain rain

Today the weather changed completely. It’simage been very windy and cold all day and raining off and on. Good for the garden with some rain – and today I am not going anywhere so let it rain all day! Next week I would like the nice sunshine to return though.

Vacuumed and mopped downstairs and ran a load of wash. That’s it for today. Time to get dinner on the table – we bought everything yesterday so it’s easily done. Then I will watch another hockey-game. Soon the first round is done – then time for the extremely scary quarter finals. The most nerv wrecking game of them all.


Where did this week go? It feels like ages ago since it was Monday but at the same time I can’t really say where the rest of the week went.

Today it was extremely busy at work and whwpid-img_20150901_194454.jpgen it calmed down and I was able to step out for lunch I walked over to Kungsträdgården – my new favorite place – to feel the ESC-atmosphere. Lol. I know. I am a bit crazy but I just love all the tourists, the performances, the activities. Bought a little surprise for tomorrow.. 😉

A fun weekend ahead with a lot to look forward to. Have a great one everyone!

Now or never

imageAnother gorgeous day but slightly chilly. Very busy morning but a great afternoon. Got off early and took a long walk through the city instead of walking back from the subway. Wanted a change of scenery and also visit a couple of stores when I had the time.

Been a busy bee at home taking care of house chores. Now some corner time watching the now-or-never ice hockey game tonight – a game we have to win if we want to get somewhere in this tournament. Facing Kazakhstan. Our group is very even with a lot of wins for all teams. No clear winner or looser yet. The other group is more spread out. (PS – we won 7-3 .. )


What a perfect way to start the week. 25C and clear blue sky. imageShort day at work and me-time planned for after. My naprapath managed to take care of the pain in my hip – yeah! Could walk all the way back from the subway in the lovely summer weather and the hip didn’t bother me at all. Now I have to do all the stretch exercises given to me in order to keep it up.

Passed the amazing magnolia tree on my walk home. I would love to have one of those trees in my garden. They are absolutely gorgeous.

Dance show

This springs edition of Dansverkets show was a trip through Aimagelice in Wonderland. The dancers really do a great job with all the dances, costume changes and everything to remember. My oldest niece is getting really good at dancing and it is a pure joy to go to their shows. “Proud Auntie”

We managed to squeeze in a visit to the recycling center this morning to get rid of a bunch of stuff we can’t throw in the regular garbage such as batteries, broken electronic equipment, light bulbs etc etc. Felt pretty good!

Cherry flowers

Another amazing day. Spent some of it outside but had to cheerimage on my nieces team viewing the live stream from the team gym competition. I love that they show it via youtube so that we can follow the competition without being there. She couldn’t compete today due to her injury a couple of months ago, but she was on standby and an important team member cheering on her team and being supportive.

We have been working outside in the garden today – I have sorted out weeds and my husband has polished the windows and finished putting up the net around the trampoline. Our youngest flips are quite advanced and I would hate it if he fell off and hurt himself on top of everything else. I would love it if he could find the way back to wanting to be part of a team again. In any sport. Miss the time in the sport arenas.

Day off

Why is it so impossible to sleep in when you are allowed to? Didn’t slimageeep so good all night, to be honest. Decided to enjoy a quiet morning while the kids were still asleep so I got up, took a shower, and then made myself a batch of American pancakes with maple syrup. Yum! What a way to start the day!

Been a busy bee, as usual, with laundry, planning for the upcoming graduation and getting a few things organized. Now a lovely afternoon cheering on our hockey team as they are playing the first game in the World Championships in Ice hockey facing Latvia today. Fingers crossed they will play a good tournament and maybe come back with a nice trophy of some sort. First challenge is to be top 4 in their group so they can advance to the quarter finals.

Mini daffodils

A fantastic day weather-wise. We worked outside in the garden all morning. Then made some hot dogs for lunch and sat outside to enjoy them. First time this year! image

After lunch we went to the movies for some afternoon fun since we had a day off together. The boys wanted to see “Captain America – Civil War” and it was quite ok. Not my favorite kind of movie but Robert Downey Jr is never wrong.. Lol. Fun to do something together!