Smiling in the rain

It is raining today. A perfect day to stay in my corner and be lazy. My youngest is having a busy day so I’ll be a taxi-mom off and on all day. He has a lot of fun things going right now. Makes me smile. wpid-IMG_20140128_202956.jpg

My youngest niece is away competing in gymnastics all weekend. They did really well yesterday and with some luck they will be in the finals this afternoon. She is getting so good and has so much fun. Makes me smile!

Got excellent news this morning from another niece – we have some serious planning to do. It’ll be great and I can’t wait! Makes me smile!

A few more dark clouds still on my sky to take care of. Hopefully they will go away one by one. That too would make me smile.

PS! They made it to the finals as the 7th team out of 10. Fingers crossed now!! They are competing in the RC1 Landskrona.

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