Spiken 2014

This years edition of “Spiken” took place really early in the season. Usually it is later in October – last year it was almost mid November.

imageMy youngest decided to participate along with my husband, brother-in-law and best friend. They all did great and managed to improve their previous best results – Filip won first price and is now the proud owner of the challenge price which he has to return next year.

Unfortunately, there were no competitors in the event for the men 16-34 years old so the main price, the large “Spiken” (7 inch nail) remains with my parents until next year (they organize the event). Most of the competitors were competing in the veteran class – if you are older than 35.. There the competition was quite tough.

My mom and dad do an amazing job with this event every year and people really appreciate their hard work and my mothers home made cinnamon buns that we can enjoy during the price ceremony.

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