Advent 1st – family day

Sunday already and Advent 1st. They don’t celebrate that over here though. But my mom and sis sent me pics of their first lit candle which was nice.

Me and P went out for a little drive after breakfast (mom treated us pancakes!) to look for a few things. When we got home we had a sandwich lunch and then it was time to watch the football game on TV – 49ers towards Eagles and we won (don’t remember the score, sorry). Yeah! Happy days.

Tonight we had a great family dinner – my brother came over, my sis w/ hubby hosted the dinner, my niece w/ family joined in – so 11 of us together at one table. Fun! My brother-in-law bbq teriyaki chicken and it was served with all sorts of goodies. Yum! We had a great time chatting and catching up. So glad they all could come!

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