Fun day

This morning was our last run for this vacation and we decided to go for it.. We managed to break the 10+ minutes on our 1,5k run and finished on 09:54 – the first kilometer in 06:49 which was an improvement with 40 seconds. Yeah!

Last night there was another thunderstorm and the lightning was really awesomeimage. It is so spectacular to see out here where there is no city or high buildings around.

Since we have worked
hard and managed to complete everything we had planned for this vacation, we treated the family to go to the go-kart tracks and drive for a bit.

After the race it was time for lunch.. so we deciimageded to continue with the luxury life for a bit longer and went to Källa Glassgård for extra large super delicious ice creams.

And – if this wasn’t enough – tonight we are going to Sandviks Kvarn Restaurant together with my uncle and his family and maybe my dads cousin with family for dinner. What a way to finish a great vacation – and we still have one more day in paradise before it is time to pack and head back to the city.

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