Elder tree

Anotimageher beautiful day and today I was able to sleep in a little bit anyway. We all got up around 8 since my youngest is leaving for a 4-day camp and my husband is competing today as well. So, me and my oldest have the house to ourselves today.

I decided to be a bit productive. Our elder tree is in bloom so I went to get some lemons, caster sugar and citric acid and made my own lemonade/cordial. You can find the recipe in my cookbook.

Oh – last night me and my sister went into town to have dinner with our second cousins. It was the first time we all got together in 20 years! It was a great visit and I am sure we won’t wait that long until next time.

No buses on the way home though.. so I walked the 3-4 km back.. (40 min). After all that great food I guess it might not be a bad thing after all.. lol

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