Tri tip


Saturday and no plans.. that is a luxury that doesn’t occur too often. The weather has been sunny / rainy off and on all day so we decided to take a trip to the mall near by and see what we could find. I managed to buy a skirt and a blouse for the upcoming confirmation so that was great. I also treated myself a nice cup of coffee and a carrot cupcake with frosting. My husband had a white hot chocolate and an apple toffee cupcake. He is a bigger sweet tooth than I am..


Tonight we are trying a new kind of meat – tri tip. I have had it in the States and it is really good to bbq. But I have never seen it in Swedish stores before.

So, we invited my parents over and we will see if they like it as much as we do (or at least we do when being served by my American family.. this time I’ve cooked it myself.. )

One Reply to “Tri tip”

  1. Thank you for a lovely dinner after a whole day in town working and looking at the Stockholm marathon. The meat was really good. We have to do it in the summer too when we all are on Öland.

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